BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Product Documentation | Terracotta Management Console User Guide | Getting Started with Terracotta Management Console | Configuring the Terracotta Management Server
Configuring the Terracotta Management Server
A BigMemory Max cluster can be managed directly by connecting the Terracotta Management Console(TMC) to any one of the servers in the cluster. All other servers and clients become visible to the TMC through that initial connection. Create a new connection and enter the URI to a server in the following form:
where <management-port> is the port number configured in the server's tc-config.xml file. The default is 9540.
To manage a client or standalone node (Terracotta Ehcache client or BigMemory Go) using the TMC, enable the REST management service on that node by setting the following element in the ehcache.xml configuration:
<ehcache ... >
<managementRESTService enabled="true" bind="<ip_address>:<port>"/>
where <ip_address> is the local network interface's IP address and <port> is the port number used to manage the node. The following defaults are in effect for <managementRESTService>:
*enabled="false" (This must be set to "true" for standalone caches.)
*bind="" (This IP address binds the specified port to all network interfaces on the local node.)
The REST management service can also be enabled programmatically:
ManagementRESTServiceConfiguration rest = new ManagementRESTServiceConfiguration();
Note: If performance becomes an issue when the TMC is in heavy use, see Number of Clients Impacts Performance.
Displaying Update Statistics
By default, caches distributed in BigMemory Max generate put events whenever elements are put or updated. To have the TMC track and display updates separately from puts, set the Terracotta property ehcache.clusteredStore.checkContainsKeyOnPut at the top of the Terracotta configuration file (tc-config.xml by default) before starting the Terracotta Server Array:
<property name="ehcache.clusteredStore.checkContainsKeyOnPut" value="true" />
Note: Enabling this property can substantially degrade performance. Before using in production, test the effect of enabling this property.
Using Multiple Instances of BigMemory Go CacheManagers With the TMC
When loading multiple instances of BigMemory Go CacheManagers with the TMC rest agent enabled in the same JVM, CacheManagers must be loaded by distinct classloaders. Two different web applications (two different WARs), for example, are loaded by two different classloaders.
The TMC Update Checker
The Update Checker automatically checks to see if you have the latest updates, and collects diagnostic information on TMC usage. The Update Checker is on by default. To disable the update checker, use the following system property:

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