BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Component Documentation | WAN Replication User Guide | WAN Replication Demo | Running the Demo
Running the Demo
Run the application to demonstrate the WAN replication.
Note: The list of all commands is available by typing > help.
1. In the wan-config-region-1.xml and wan-config-region-2.xml files, replace the "wan-samples-root-dir" placeholder with the actual location of the folder (for example, $WAN_SAMPLES/).
2. Launch the Region-1 TSA using the command (for UNIX/Linux) or start-sample-server-1.bat (for Windows).
3. Launch the Region-2 TSA using the command (for UNIX/Linux) or start-sample-server-2.bat (for Windows).
4. Launch the Region-1 WAN Orchestrator using the command (for UNIX/Linux) or start-orch-1.bat (for Windows).
5. Launch the Region-2 WAN Orchestrator using the command (for UNIX/Linux) or start-orch-2.bat (for Windows).
Now that the TSA and WAN services for regions 1 and 2 have started, we are ready to run the application and demonstrate the replication process.
6. Start the Region-1 application using the command (for UNIX/Linux) or run.bat (for Windows). You should see a command prompt which indicates that the application has started and is ready to accept various instructions.
7. At the command prompt type:
> connect localhost:9510 bar
where bar is a sample cache name. You can use any name you want. This will start the application's cache manager and will make the Region-1 cluster operational.
8. Start the Region-2 application, but at the command prompt, type:
> connect localhost:9610 bar
where bar is a sample cache name. You can use any name you want. This will start the application's cache manager and will make the Region-2 cluster operational.
9. Store some elements in the Region-1 TSA by typing the following command on the Region-1 application:
> fill 100
This command will put 100 keys named k0, k1, ... k99 with values v0, v1, ... , v99 into Region-1.
10. See if the elements have been replicated to the Region-2 TSA by typing the following command on the Region-2 application:
> get k0
You should see [k0, v0] as the result, which indicates that the key k0, which was inserted on Region-1, was successfully replicated to Region-2.
11. Change the k0 value from Region-2 by typing the following command:
> put k0 baz
This "put", which happened on Region-2, should now be visible in Region-1. Type the following command on the command prompt of Region-1:
> get k0
You should see [k0, baz] as the result, which indicates successful replication.

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