BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Product Documentation | Big Memory Max Developer Guide | Cluster Events | Cluster Topology
Cluster Topology
The interface net.sf.ehcache.cluster.CacheCluster provides methods for obtaining topology information for a Terracotta cluster. The following methods are available:
*String getScheme()
Returns a scheme name for the cluster information. Currently TERRACOTTA is the only scheme supported. The scheme name is used by CacheManager.getCluster() to return cluster information.
*Collection<ClusterNode> getNodes()
Returns information on all the nodes in the cluster, including ID, hostname, and IP address.
*boolean addTopologyListener(ClusterTopologyListener listener)
Adds a cluster-events listener. Returns true if the listener is already active.
*boolean removeTopologyListener(ClusterTopologyListener)
Removes a cluster-events listener. Returns true if the listener is already inactive.
The interface net.sf.ehcache.cluster.ClusterNode provides methods for obtaining information on specific cluster nodes.
public interface ClusterNode {
* Get a unique (per cluster) identifier for this node.
* @return Unique per cluster identifier
String getId();
* Get the host name of the node
* @return Host name of node
String getHostname();
* Get the IP address of the node
* @return IP address of node
String getIp();

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