BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Product Documentation | Big Memory Max Security Guide | Enabling SSL on Terracotta Clients | Using a Client Truststore
Using a Client Truststore
If Terracotta servers are using self-signed certificates (not certificates signed by a well-known CA), create a truststore on the client and import each server's public-key certificate into that truststore.
If you have already created a truststore for a server in the TSA, you can copy that file to each client after first importing that server's public-key certificate into the copy.
For the client to find the truststore, you must set the Java system property to the location of the truststore file. In this case, note the existing secrets for opening the truststore and accessing each certificate.
Tip: Changing the Truststore Password - To change the existing truststore master password, use the Java system property

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