BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Product Documentation | Big Memory Max Configuration Guide | Defining a Distributed Configuration | How Server Settings Can Override Client Settings
How Server Settings Can Override Client Settings
The, ehcache.clustered.config.override.mode, allows you to determine if and how the cache settings on the server override the cache settings on the client. You can set this in the tc-config.xml file or define it as a system property with the prefix.
The possible values are:
*NONE- Default behavior: any discrepancy between the client and server versions of a cache configuration option causes the client to throw an exception.
*GLOBAL- Allows any cache-wide settings from the server to override those from the client. For example, if a client were to join with a TTI=10 while the server has a TTI=15, then
*The server TTI value overrides the client TTI value.
*Local settings, such as maxEntriesLocalHeap, are not overridden.
*ALL - Causes the client to accept all values from the server’s configuration. This includes the cache-wide settings of GLOBAL as well as the local settings, such as maxBytesLocalHeap.

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