BigMemory Max 4.3.2 | Product Documentation | Big Memory Max Configuration Guide | Defining a Distributed Configuration | Copy On Read
Copy On Read
The copyOnRead setting is most easily explained by first examining what it does when not enabled and exploring the potential problems that can arise. For a cache in which copyOnRead is not enabled, the following reference comparison will always be true:
Object obj1 = c.get("key").getValue();
// Assume no other thread changes the cache mapping between these get() operations ....
Object obj2 = c.get("key").getValue();
if (obj1 == obj2) {
System.err.println("Same value objects!");
The fact that the same object reference is returned across multiple get() operations implies that the cache is storing a direct reference to cache value. This default behavior (copyOnRead=false) is usually desired, although there are at least two scenarios in which it is problematic:
1. Caches shared between classloaders
2. Mutable value objects
Imagine two web applications that both have access to the same Cache instance (this implies that the core Ehcache classes are in a common classloader). Imagine further that the classes for value types in the cache are duplicated in the web application (so they are not present in the common loader). In this scenario you would get ClassCastExceptions when one web application accessed a value previously read by the other application.
One obvious solution to this problem is to move the value types to the common loader, but another is to enable copyOnRead. When copyOnRead is in effect, the object references are unique with every get(). Having unique object references means that the thread context loader of the caller will be used to materialize the cache values on each get(). This feature has utility in OSGi environments as well where a common cache service might be shared between bundles.
Another subtle issue concerns mutable value objects in a distributed cache. Consider this simple code with a Cache containing a mutable value type (Foo):
class Foo {
int field;
Foo foo = (Foo) c.get("key").getValue();
// foo instance is never re-put() to the cache
// ...
If the Foo instance is never put back into the Cache your local cache is no longer consistent with the cluster (it is locally modified only). Enabling copyOnRead eliminates this possibility since the only way to affect cache values is to call mutator methods on the Cache.
It is worth noting that there is a performance penalty to copyOnRead since values are deserialized on every get().

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