Terracotta REST Developer Guide : Constructing URIs for HTTP Operations : The URI for the Terracotta Management Service
The URI for the Terracotta Management Service
The typical URI used to connect to the Terracotta management service has the following format:
These URIs use the standard scheme and domain, with "http" assumed as the scheme. HTTP operations access the REST API through URIs. The URI allows query strings under certain circumstances.
The URI Path
The <path> portion of the URI specifies resource locations using the following hierarchy:
1. Agent IDs – List of the desired clients using unique identifiers. If the connection is to a TMS and no IDs are given, all known clients are accessed. If the connection is made directly to a Terracotta client, then no IDs are used because these are identified by host:port addresses.
Since a TSA REST interface can also provide access to client Rest APIs, you do need to specify an AgentID when you connect to a TSA REST interface, so that TSA rest interface can determine whether you are connecting to a client (agentId: "" for example) or the TSA (agentId: "embedded").
All standalone (including TSA) REST interfaces return the agent ID "embedded".
2. CacheManager names – List of the CacheManagers using their configured names. If "cacheManagers" is specified in the URI but no names are given, all CacheManagers for the specified clients are accessed.
3. Cache names – List of the caches using their configured names. If "caches" is specified in the URI but no names are given, all caches belonging to the accessed CacheManagers are accessed. In the case where access is broad, a substantial amount of data might be returned by a GET operation.
The structure of the path takes the following form:
To connect to cache managers and caches in a cluster, use "agents/clusters" in the URI:
This interface returns entities and attributes concerning the state of the clustered cache managers and/or caches.
If you use this interface for access via the TMS, the interface returns information for all defined cache managers, regardless of whether they are in use (online) or not (offline). If you use the interface for access via a REST management agent, no information is returned for cache managers that are currently offline; you cannot access offline data anywhere other than from the TMS.
You can also use this interface to delete any cache managers or caches that are no longer in use.
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