Terracotta DB 10.2 | TCStore API Developer Guide | Textual Query Language Extension | Usage and Best Practice | Interplay with Native Stream API
Interplay with Native Stream API
TQL API and native stream API complement each other, offering the user different options to develop business logic for an application. While the native API offers the complete range of CRUD functionality being specified in an imperative manner, TQL API offers ad-hoc query functionality being specified in a declarative manner. TQL API requires you to specify a schema before reading the data; the follow-up application then knows which data to expect. Native API does not require you to specify a schema upfront; it is up to the application to process the data in a structured manner.
The primary query interface for TCStore is the native API. Once business logic is designed and ready to be deployed into production, it should be specified using the native stream API as it offers the best performance.

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