Terracotta DB 10.2 | Ehcache API Developer Guide | Thread Pools | Configuring Thread Pools with XML
Configuring Thread Pools with XML
Following is an example describing how to configure the thread pools the different services will use.
<thread-pools> <!-- 1 -->
<thread-pool alias="defaultDiskPool" min-size="1" max-size="3"/>
<thread-pool alias="defaultWriteBehindPool" min-size="1" max-size="3"/>
<thread-pool alias="cache2Pool" min-size="2" max-size="2"/>

<event-dispatch thread-pool="defaultEventPool"/> <!-- 2 -->
<write-behind thread-pool="defaultWriteBehindPool"/> <!-- 3 -->
<disk-store thread-pool="defaultDiskPool"/> <!-- 4 -->

<cache alias="cache1">

<heap unit="entries">10</heap>
<disk unit="MB">10</disk>

<cache alias="cache2">

<write-behind thread-pool="cache2Pool"> <!-- 5 -->
<batching batch-size="5">
<max-write-delay unit="seconds">10</max-write-delay>
<listeners dispatcher-thread-pool="cache2Pool"/> <!-- 6 -->
<heap unit="entries">10</heap>
<disk unit="MB">10</disk>
<disk-store-settings thread-pool="cache2Pool"
writer-concurrency="2"/> <!-- 7 -->
Configure the thread pools. Note that there is no default one.
Configure the default thread pool this cache manager will use to send events.
Configure the default thread pool this cache manager will use for write-behind work.
Configure the default thread pool this cache manager will use for disk stores.
Configure a specific write-behind thread pool for this cache.
Configure a specific thread pool for this cache to send its events.
Configure a specific thread pool for this cache's disk store.

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