Configuration and Lifecycle Operations
Full example
The following code configures a new clustered Dataset:
try (DatasetManager datasetManager =
DatasetManager.clustered(clusterUri) // <1>
.build()) { // <2>
DatasetConfiguration ordersConfig =
datasetManager.datasetConfiguration() // <3>
.offheap("offheap-resource-name") // <4>
.disk("disk-resource-name") // <5>
.build(); // <6>
datasetManager.newDataset("orders", Type.LONG, ordersConfig); // <7>
try (Dataset orders =
datasetManager.getDataset("orders", Type.LONG)) { // <8>
// Use the Dataset
1 | The static method DatasetManager.clustered starts the process of configuring a clustered DatasetManager. It returns a DatasetManagerBuilder which allows configuration of the cluster client. |
2 | The DatasetManager is created, represents a connection to the cluster. DatasetManager is AutoCloseable so try-with-resources should be used. |
3 | A DatasetConfiguration`` is required to create a new Dataset. A DatasetConfigurationBuilder that can be used to construct a DatasetConfiguration is acquired using the method datasetConfiguration on the DatasetManager. Note that a DatasetConfiguration should be used with the DatasetManager that was used to create it. |
4 | A server side offheap resource is specified for data to be held in. Note that the name supplied must match the name of an offheap resource configured on the server. |
5 | A server side disk resource is specified for data to be held in. Note that the name supplied must match the name of a disk resource configured on the server. |
6 | The specification of the DatasetConfiguration is now completed and an instance is created. |
7 | A new Dataset called orders is created. It has a key of type LONG. |
8 | The previously created dataset is retrieved. Dataset is AutoCloseable so try-with-resources should be used. |
URI to connect to server
The cluster URI takes the form of:
for example:
where tcstore1 and tcstore2 are the names of the servers that form the cluster.
Configuring a Dataset
When a Dataset is created, the name of the dataset and the type of the key must be specified. These are the first two parameters to createDataset and the same values should be used to later access the same Dataset via getDataset.
The third parameter is a DatasetConfiguration which specifies how storage for the Dataset should be managed on the server.
When the server is configured, any offheap memory resources or filesystem directories in which data can be written are given names. Any string passed to offheap or disk should match the name of a resource configured on the server. This resource will then be used for storage for the Dataset.
A Dataset must have an offheap resource configured for it. If the disk resource is specified then the records of the Dataset will be recorded on disk. If no disk resource is specified, then data is held just in the memory of the servers of the cluster.
Note on the fluent API
TCStore uses a fluent API to allow configuration calls to be chained. Following this pattern, each call returns a builder so that further configuration can be made, however, TCStore returns a different instance each time. This allows a DatasetManagerBuilder to be used as a prototype for different configurations, but this means that code such as:
ClusteredDatasetManagerBuilder builder = DatasetManager.clustered(clusterUri);
builder.withConnectionTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
DatasetManager datasetManager =;
will create a clustered DatasetManager that has the default connection timeout because build is called on the wrong object.
Instead use the following form:
ClusteredDatasetManagerBuilder builder = DatasetManager.clustered(clusterUri);
ClusteredDatasetManagerBuilder configuredBuilder =
builder.withConnectionTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
DatasetManager datasetManager =;
or more fluently:
DatasetManager datasetManager = DatasetManager.clustered(clusterUri)
.withConnectionTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)