Terracotta DB 10.2 | TCStore API Developer Guide | Reference | Operations | Asynchronous API
Asynchronous API
TCStore provides an asynchronous API based around the Java 9 CompletionStage API.

AsyncDatasetWriterReader<String> asyncAccess = counterAccess.async(); // <1>
Operation<Boolean> addOp = asyncAccess.add("counter10", counterCell.newCell(10L)); // <2>
Operation<Optional<Record<String>>> getOp =
addOp.thenCompose((b) -> asyncAccess.get("counter10")); // <3>
Operation<Void> acceptOp = getOp.thenAccept(or -> or.ifPresent( // <4>
r -> out.println("The record with key " + r.getKey() + " was added")));

try {
acceptOp.get(); // <5>
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
The asynchronous API is accessed through the async() method on an existing reader or writer-reader.
Methods then create asynchronous executions represented by Operation instances.
Operations can be composed with other operations using the usual CompletionStage methods.
Operations can also be composed with synchronous operations still yielding Operation instances.
Operation also extends Future for easy interoperability with synchronous code.
The current asynchronous implementation is a simple thread-pool based skin over the synchronous API. It is not currently interacting optimally with the asynchronous nature of the underlying Terracotta platform.

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