Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Welcome to the Terracotta Ehcache Online Documentation
Welcome to the Terracotta Ehcache Online Documentation
Terracotta Ehcache is an improved version of Java's de facto caching API, Ehcache. It has a powerful, streamlined, modernized caching API taking advantage of newer Java features as well as the capability to be used via the JSR-107 "JCache" API. Some of the key high level feature of this API include:
1. Leverages Java generics and simplifies cache interactions
2. Full compatibility with javax.cache API (JSR-107)
3. Storage
a. In-memory storage with optional persistence to disk and ultra-fast recovery
b. Java-based key/value store optimized for caching workloads
c. Industry-leading offheap storage capabilities
4. Distributed Store
a. Supports various scale-out and HA deployment configurations
b. Flexible, fine-granular configuration of availability, consistency, and durability

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