Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Server Administration Guide | System Recommendations for Hybrid Caching
System Recommendations for Hybrid Caching
Hybrid Caching supports writing to one single mount, so all of the Hybrid capacity must be presented to the Terracotta process as one continuous region, which can be a single device or a RAID.
The mount should be used exclusively for the Terracotta server process. The software was designed for usage on local drives (SSD/Flash in particular) - SAN/NAS storage is not recommended. If you utilize SAN/NAS storage you will experience notably reduced and inconsistent performance - any support requests related to performance or stability on such deployments will require the user to reproduce the issue with local disks.
Note: System utilization is higher when using Hybrid Caching, and it is not recommended to run multiple servers on the same machine. Doing so could result in health checkers timing out, and killing or restarting servers. Therefore, it is important to provision sufficient hardware, and it is highly recommended to deploy servers on different machines.
Hybrid Caching is described in detail in the Developer Guide.

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