Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Server Administration Guide | Starting and Stopping the Terracotta Server
Starting and Stopping the Terracotta Server
Starting the Terracotta Server
The command line script to start the Terracotta Server is located in the server/bin/ directory of the server kit. UNIX users use start-tc-server.sh while Windows users use start-tc-server.bat. All arguments are the same for both.
The usage of script is as follows:
start-tc-server.sh [-f /path/to/tc-config.xml] [-n server_name]
Options to the script
While it is possible to run the script without any arguments, this will result in using empty defaults for the configuration, which is generally not useful for anything other than verifying that the Terracotta Server is able to run.
Specific arguments which should be used are:
*[-f /path/to/tc-config.xml] - This is the path to the tc-config.xml file for the stripe this server is expected to join. Note that all servers in the same stripe are expected to use the same configuration file.
The file tc-config.xml describes per-server details such as listening TCP port and log directory.
*[-n server_name] - This is the name the server should use for itself, which determines which server stanza described within the tc-config.xml should be used.
Environment variables read by the script
*JAVA_HOME - Points to the JRE installation which the server should use (the Java launcher in this JRE will be used to start the server).
*JAVA_OPTS - Any additional options which should be passed to the underlying JVM can be passed via this environment variable and they will be added to the Java command line.
Stopping the Terracotta Server
If your server is not running in a Terracotta cluster, you can use the standard procedure offered by your operating system to terminate the server process.
If you are running the server as part of a Terracotta cluster, you can stop all servers in the cluster by using the cluster tool. See the section Cluster Tool for details.

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