Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Server Administration Guide | Backup, Restore and Data Migration | Offline Backup
Offline Backup
In the rare scenario when an online backup cannot be taken, an offline backup can be taken. The process is described as follows:
Taking an offline Backup
Follow the steps in the specified order to back up cluster data:
1. Shut down the cluster, while taking a note of the current active servers.
2. Copy the contents of the required data directories of all the servers which were actives prior to the shutdown to a desired location.
3. Name the directories in the manner described in the Backup directory structure section above. Although this step is optional, it helps identify different instances of backup, and keeps the restore steps consistent for online and offline backup procedures.
4. Save the configuration files as well. These files will be used to start the stripes after a restore is performed.

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