Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Management and Monitoring | Prometheus Integration
Prometheus Integration
Terracotta logs metrics data in a form that can be understood by the open source data collection and filtering tool Prometheus, which is well-suited to cloud-based microservices environments. To log the data, Terracotta includes a servlet that gathers Prometheus-style metrics for put / get / save / delete operations. The Prometheus data can in turn be visualized by third party products that offer Prometheus integration (see the Prometheus web site at https://prometheus.io/ for related information).
After you created a connection to a cluster, you can access a Prometheus compatible servlet at the following URL :
For example, assuming that the Terracotta Management Server (TMS) is available at http://localhost:9480, the servlet can be accessed at http://localhost:9480/actuator/prometheus.
Available metrics
For now, only resource usage metrics are available as Prometheus gauges (the same metrics as you would find under Resource Usage Panel).
All metrics are prefixed with : sag_tc_server and share the same labels or tags (as part of the plain text output, with one metric per line) :
*alias (can represent a server side cache resource name or an offheap resource name or a dataroot name or a dataset name)
*entityName (a technical attribute that represents the server-side entity name)
*entityType (a technical attribute that represents the server-side entity type)
*server (represents the server name)
*clusterTierManager (caching resource only, matches the alias of the entity given by the user when connecting to a clustered cache, example: terracotta://myhost:9410/anEntity)
Here is the list of provided metrics :
Server specific resource usage metrics
*sag_tc_server_offheap_allocated_memory_bytes (Offheap memory allocated in bytes)
*sag_tc_server_restartable_store_total_usage_bytes (FRS usage in bytes)
*sag_tc_server_dataroot_total_disk_usage_bytes (Dataroot total disk usage in bytes)
Server-side caching specific resource usage metrics
*sag_tc_server_caching_pool_allocated_size_bytes (Caching pool allocated size in bytes)
*sag_tc_server_caching_store_data_size_bytes (Caching store data size in bytes)
Server-side store specific resource usage metrics
*sag_tc_server_dataset_main_record_occupied_storage_bytes (Total occupied storage by the dataset, in bytes - this is the sum of the 3 dataset_occupied metrics below)
*sag_tc_server_dataset_allocated_memory_bytes (Total allocated storage by the dataset, in bytes - this is the sum of the 4 dataset_allocated metrics below)
*sag_tc_server_dataset_record_count (Dataset record count)
*sag_tc_server_dataset_index_record_count (Dataset indexed record count)
*sag_tc_server_dataset_index_access_count (Index access count)
*sag_tc_server_dataset_index_occupied_storage_bytes (Index occupied storage in bytes)
This section shows examples of metrics data written to the log file.
1. Dataroot example
server="terracotta-1-0",stripe="stripe[0]",} 6.5570422E7
Dataroot (named "PLATFORM") total disk usage in bytes; captured from the server named "terracotta-1-0", part of the stripe named "stripe[0]" (first stripe), for the connection named "MyCluster" : 60MB
2. Caching example
server="terracotta-1-0",stripe="stripe[0]",} 9404416.0
Server side cache store (created by the cache "dedicatedcache", under the clusterTierManager named "MyCacheManager") allocated size in bytes; captured from the server named "terracotta-1-0", part of the stripe named "stripe[0]" (first stripe), for the connection named "MyCluster" : 9.4MB
3. Dataset index example
stripe="stripe[0]",} 1604.0
Dataset (named "MyDataset-1") index (on the cell named "booleanCell" of type Boolean; using the BTREE setting) access count captured from the server named "terracotta-1-0", part of the stripe named "stripe[0]" (first stripe), for the connection named "MyCluster" : 1604 times
Getting the metrics directly from the servlet
Using any HTTP client, such as curl :
curl http(s)://[host]:[port]/actuator/prometheus
You can craft a regular expression to search for specific metrics :
curl -s http(s)://[host]:[port]/actuator/prometheus |
grep "sag_tc_server.*{.*} .*"
Security concerns
This servlet is accessible to anybody if your TMC is not secured, but only to authenticated users if you set up authentication and authorization.
Prometheus and Grafana integration
There are several ways to let Prometheus grab the metrics available at http(s)://[host]:[port]/actuator/prometheus.
For example, if you deployed the TMC using Kubernetes, and you created a service for it, you can simply add this YAML configuration to your service manifest to have Prometheus reading the metrics regularly :
name: tmc
prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'
prometheus.io/path: '/actuator/prometheus'
Prometheus querying
When you have successfully installed and deployed Prometheus, you'll be able to choose the Terracotta cluster metrics.
prometheus metrics
You can also precisely choose which metrics you want to display using the labels and the Prometheus query language (see https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/ for related information). For example, if you only want the FRS usage for the "dataroot-2" dataroot on the server "terracotta-1-0", you can use the following Prometheus query :
Grafana dashboards and panels
From Grafana, after you add a new Prometheus datasource, you can add some custom panels, using the metrics names as well as using Prometheus querying (see previous chapter).
To make things easier, we provided a Dashboard template on the Grafana website at https://grafana.com/dashboards/10215; just import it and start monitoring resource usage from Grafana !

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