Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Ehcache API Developer Guide | User Managed Caches | Overview of User Managed Caches
Overview of User Managed Caches
What are user managed caches and what do they offer?
A user managed cache gives you a simple way to configure a cache directly, without the complexity of setting up or using a CacheManager. The choice whether to use a UserManagedCache rather than a CacheManager usually depends on whether you need all of the built-in functionality of a CacheManager. In cases where your cache requirements are relatively straightforward, and you do not require the full range of features of a CacheManager, consider using a UserManagedCache instead.
Typical scenarios for using a UserManagedCache are: method local caches, thread local caches or any other place where the lifecycle of the cache is shorter than the application lifecycle.

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