Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Management and Monitoring | Migrating the Terracotta Management Console
Migrating the Terracotta Management Console
If you install a new 10.3 Terracotta Management Console over an existing installation of a previous 10.2 Terracotta Management Console , you can expect a data migration to happen.
This data migration will preserve your connections, so that you won't need to re-create them in your new 10.3 Terracotta Management Console instance.
There is no further interaction needed, except to ensure that the property
still points to the same folder as your previous 10.2 installation did.
When starting the 10.3 Terracotta Management Console for the first time, the migration process will produce a log entry similar to the following example:
WARN c.t.m.s.migration.MigrationService - Backing up data before migration
WARN c.t.m.s.migration.MigrationService - Done backing up data to
WARN c.t.m.s.migration.MigrationService - Migrating data from 10.2 to 10.3
WARN c.t.m.s.migration.MigrationService - Finished migrating data from 10.2 to 10.3
This indicates that the migration process was successful.

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