Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Ehcache API Developer Guide | The JCache (JSR-107) Cache Provider | Overview of JCache
Overview of JCache
The Java Temporary Caching API (JSR-107), also referred to as JCache, is a specification (not a software implementation) that defines the javax.cache API. The specification was developed under the Java Community Process, and its purpose is to provide standardized caching concepts and mechanisms for Java applications.
The API is simple to use, it is designed as a caching standard and is vendor-neutral. It eliminates the stark contrast that has in the past existed between APIs of different vendors, which caused developers to stick with the proprietary API they were already using, rather than investigating a new API, as the bar to investigating other products was too high.
So it is easy for you as an application developer to develop an application using the JCache API from one vendor, then if you so choose, try out another vendor's JCache support without having to change a single line of your application code. All you have to do is use the JCache caching library from your chosen vendor. This means you can avoid having to rewrite a lot of your caching related code in an application just to try out a new caching solution.

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