Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Terracotta Server Administration Guide | Terracotta Server Migration from Terracotta BigMemory Max v4 to Terracotta v10
Terracotta Server Migration from Terracotta BigMemory Max v4 to Terracotta v10
Terracotta 10.x is significantly different from Terracotta BigMemory Max 4.x and Terracotta 3.x in terms of handling of cluster topology, data storage formats, and other functionality. Because of this, you cannot migrate data and configuration for a Terracotta BigMemory Max server to a Terracotta server. If you install Terracotta on the same machines that host Terracotta BigMemory Max, however, you can find the host names, addresses, and so on that you used for the Terracotta BigMemory Max installation in the server configuration files.

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