Terracotta Ehcache 10.3 | Ehcache API Developer Guide | Caching Basics | Comparison of CacheManager to UserManagedCache
Comparison of CacheManager to UserManagedCache
The first step is to create an instance that manages a cache, and the second step is to create the cache itself.
There are two variations of managing a cache:
By means of a CacheManager
or ...
By means of a UserManagedCache
The decision when to use either the standard CacheManager or the 'lightweight' UserManagedCache depends on the particular use case, since each approach has pros and cons:
Offers numerous standard services out of the box - a good starting point for setting up the basic framework.
Brings along a certain level of richness and complexity that in some cases might offer more than needed.
Offers a lightweight approach for examples such as Method local caches, thread local caches, and a cache lifecycle shorter than the application lifecycle.
Does not offer out-of-the-box services, which must be configured on-instance basis.
A CacheManager can be created using either Ehcache directly or the JSR 107 JCACHE - Java Temporary Caching API.
Programmatically configuring the instance of a CacheManager and its cache can be done either in Java or via XML.

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