Configuring Thread Pools with XML
Following is an example describing how to configure the thread pools the different services will use.
<thread-pools> <!-- 1 -->
<thread-pool alias="defaultDiskPool" min-size="1" max-size="3"/>
<thread-pool alias="defaultWriteBehindPool" min-size="1" max-size="3"/>
<thread-pool alias="cache2Pool" min-size="2" max-size="2"/>
<event-dispatch thread-pool="defaultEventPool"/> <!-- 2 -->
<write-behind thread-pool="defaultWriteBehindPool"/> <!-- 3 -->
<disk-store thread-pool="defaultDiskPool"/> <!-- 4 -->
<cache alias="cache1">
<heap unit="entries">10</heap>
<disk unit="MB">10</disk>
<cache alias="cache2">
<write-behind thread-pool="cache2Pool"> <!-- 5 -->
<batching batch-size="5">
<max-write-delay unit="seconds">10</max-write-delay>
<listeners dispatcher-thread-pool="cache2Pool"/> <!-- 6 -->
<heap unit="entries">10</heap>
<disk unit="MB">10</disk>
<disk-store-settings thread-pool="cache2Pool"
writer-concurrency="2"/> <!-- 7 -->
1 | Configure the thread pools. Note that there is no default one. |
2 | Configure the default thread pool this cache manager will use to send events. |
3 | Configure the default thread pool this cache manager will use for write-behind work. |
4 | Configure the default thread pool this cache manager will use for disk stores. |
5 | Configure a specific write-behind thread pool for this cache. |
6 | Configure a specific thread pool for this cache to send its events. |
7 | Configure a specific thread pool for this cache's disk store. |