Terracotta Server Administration Guide : The Terracotta Configuration File
The Terracotta Configuration File
This document describes the Terracotta configuration elements in the Terracotta configuration file, which is an XML-formatted file named tc-config.xml by default.
You can use a sample configuration file provided in the kit as the basis for your Terracotta configuration. Some samples have inline comments describing the configuration elements. Be sure to start with a clean file for your configuration.
Explanation of Configuration Sections
The Terracotta configuration file is divided into several main sections. For general configuration purposes, the most relevant sections are:
The servers section defines all the servers which will make up this stripe of a cluster. High-availability is enabled by having at least 2 servers in this section. Note that there is no explicit configuration of which server takes an active or passive role, as that may change over the lifetime of the cluster.
Each server element in the servers section is identified by a name given by the name attribute:
<server ... name="ServerName">
To start the server with the name "ServerName", you pass the option -n ServerName to the start script.
The tc.properties section exposes a list of key-value pairs to further customize the behavior of the cluster. Note that this section is normally empty.
Simple Configuration Sample
This is an example of a very simple server configuration file.
<tc-config xmlns="http://www.terracotta.org/config" >
<servers secure="false">
<server host="localhost" name="testServer0">
This shows the key components of a standard configuration but describes only a single server with no extension points used.
Key points:
*Configuration namespace: http://www.terracotta.org/config
*Empty plugins and entities sections
*No additional tc-properties specified
*Only a single server (note that localhost should be replaced with the actual hostname or IP of the server, in a real deployment) with name testServer0
*Server name is important as it is used when starting a server so it knows which server it is
*A relative path to a logs directory is given
*The tsa-port is required as this is the port clients will use when connecting to the server
*The tsa-group-port is required as this is the port other servers will use when acting as part of the cluster (even though there are no other servers in this case)
*The client-reconnect-window is the time, in seconds, which will be reserved for clients to reconnect and pick up the previous state in the case of a restart or fail-over
*Neither restart nor failover would be possible with this configuration, as restart support requires a plugged in service which provides that capability, and fail-over requires at least 2 servers in the cluster
Configuration Variables
Certain variables can be used that are interpolated by the configuration subsystem using local values:
Interpolated Value
The fully-qualified hostname
The IP address
The operating system
The version of the operating system
The CPU architecture
The home directory of the user running the application
The username of the user running the application
The path to the temporary directory (for example, /tmp on *NIX)
Time stamp (yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS)
%(system property)
The value of the given Java system property
These variables can be used where appropriate, including for elements or attributes that expect strings or paths for values:
*the "name", "host" and "bind" attributes of the <server> element
*client logs location
*server logs location
The variable %i is expanded into a value determined by the host's networking setup. In many cases that setup is in a hosts file containing mappings that may influence the value of %i. Test this variable in your production environment to check the value it interpolates.
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