About Terracotta Ehcache : Introduction to Ehcache
Introduction to Ehcache
High-Level Overview
Terracotta Ehcache is a standards-based cache that boosts performance, offloads your database, and simplifies scalability. It's the most widely-used Java-based cache because it's robust, proven, full-featured, and integrates with other popular libraries and frameworks. Terracotta Ehcache scales from in-process caching, all the way to mixed in-process/out-of-process deployments with terabyte-sized caches.
Terracotta Ehcache strengthens the distributed caching capabilities via a new generation of Terracotta server with support for high-availability and improved performance.
Features include:
*An API that leverages Java generics and simplifies Cache interactions,
*Full compatibility with javax.cache API (JSR-107),
*Offheap storage capabilities, including offheap-only caches,
*Out of the box Spring Caching and Hibernate integration thanks to the javax.cache support,
*And many more ...
Ehcache also is alive as an open source project. Builds are available on the project's GitHub release page at https://github.com/ehcache/ehcache3/releases.
Product Components
Terracotta Ehcache is the commercial release of Ehcache.
Terracotta Ehcache consists of the following components:
Ehcache API
The Ehcache API.
Terracotta Server
The server component that manages the resources of all of the Ehcache caches.
Terracotta Management Console
The browser-based graphical user interface that allows administrators to monitor and manage the current status of all Ehcache caches managed by the Terracotta server. If there are multiple Terracotta servers in use in a cluster, these can also be monitored and managed.
If you wish to use the product purely as a Java programmer, you require the components Ehcache API and Terracotta Server.
If you wish to perform administration of all runtime components and the Terracotta Server using a graphical user interface, you require the Terracotta Management Console in addition to the other components.
Installation Procedures
For instructions on how to install the product components, refer to the following installation guides:
*Instructions for installing the Ehcache API are available the Ehcache API Installation Guide document.
*Instructions for installing the Terracotta Server and the Terracotta Management Console are available in the Terracotta Server Installation Guide document.
Copyright © 2010-2017 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany. (Innovation Release)

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