Terracotta Quartz User Guide : Using Quartz Scheduler Where : Configuring Quartz Scheduler Where
Configuring Quartz Scheduler Where
To configure Quartz Scheduler Where, follow these steps:
1. Edit quartz.properties to cluster with Terracotta. For details, see Adding Terracotta Clustering to Quartz Scheduler.
2. If you intend to use node groups, configure an implementation of org.quartz.spi.InstanceIdGenerator to generate instance IDs to be used in the locality configuration. For information about generating instance IDs, see Understanding Generated Node IDs .
3. Configure the node and trigger groups in quartzLocality.properties. For example:
# Set up node groups that can be referenced from application code.
# The values shown are instance IDs:
org.quartz.locality.nodeGroup.slowJobs = node0, node3
org.quartz.locality.nodeGroup.fastJobs = node1, node2
org.quartz.locality.nodeGroup.allNodes = node0, node1, node2, node3

# Set up trigger groups whose triggers fire only on nodes
# in the specified node groups. For example, a trigger in the
# trigger group slowTriggers will fire only on node0 and node3:
org.quartz.locality.nodeGroup.slowJobs.triggerGroups = slowTriggers
org.quartz.locality.nodeGroup.fastJobs.triggerGroups = fastTriggers
4. Ensure that quartzLocality.properties is on the classpath, the same as quartz.properties.
See Quartz Scheduler Where Code Sample for an example of how to use Quartz Scheduler Where.
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