Universal Messaging 10.5 | Release Notes | What's New In Universal Messaging 9.9
What's New In Universal Messaging 9.9
Universal Messaging 9.9 is the successor of Universal Messaging 9.8.
Universal Messaging 9.9 includes new features, enhancements, and changes as described in the following topics.
Automatic creation of JNDI entries during JMS migration from webMethods Broker
For users who were using webMethods Broker connections for JMS configured using Native webMethods API instead of JNDI Lookup, it was necessary to manually create JNDI destination entries for migrated queues and channels. Now, the Broker-to-Universal Messaging migration utility for JMS provides the option to auto-generate relevant JNDI destination entries for migrated queues and channels.
Realm properties configurable using Command Central
Command Central now provides support for configuration of Universal Messaging realm properties using the Command Central web user interface, command-line, or templates.
JMS Resource Adapter
Universal Messaging now provides a pre-packaged JMS Resource Adapter for easy use in 3rd party application servers.
Enterprise Manager enhancements
The following usability improvements are now available in Enterprise Manager:
*When creating or editing JNDI Connection Factories, the user can now more easily select, view or change whether the Connection Factory has the Shared Durable flag set. This flag defines whether multiple client connections are allowed to concurrently read from JMS Topic Durable Subscriptions.
*When viewing Named Objects (also known as Durable Subscriptions) associated with a channel, Enterprise Manager now shows the number of messages not yet retrieved by the subscriber.
*Removal of the login section at the top of the JNDI panel provides a streamlined user interface for JNDI editing.
AMQP 1.0 Support
Universal Messaging now supports a significant part of the AMQP 1.0 standard wire protocol for messaging, specifically the parts that are exposed through the JMS API.
The following capabilities are supported:
*TCP and TLS (alternative NOT negotiated) transport
*Publishing to Topics and Queues (non-transactional)
*Temporary Queues
*Keep Alives
*Synchronous and Asynchronous consuming on topics and queues (non-transactional)
*Flow control
*Durable subscribers
*Interoperability with UM publishers and subscribers (using any of the available client APIs)
*Interoperability with existing AMQP JMS clients (SwiftMQ, Apache QPID and Apache Legacy QPID)
*Some interoperability with MQTT clients
AMQP support is only available with the fully-featured Universal Messaging license (NUMWF or NUMTF).
Adapter Notifications Support for non-default webMethods Messaging aliases
Adapter notifications generate publishable document types, which were previously always bound to the default webMethods Messaging connection alias. Now, the developer can select which specific messaging connection to use for each generated document type.
Testing capabilities support Universal Messaging
Developers can now use two testing features of Software AG Designer with Universal Messaging:
*Publishable document types can be sent from Software AG Designer to Universal Messaging using the Run As Publishable Document option.
*webMethods Messaging Triggers subscribing from Universal Messaging can be tested using the Run As webMethods Messaging Trigger option.
Support of authenticated connections for deployment of assets to Universal Messaging
webMethods Deployer now supports deployment of assets to Universal Messaging servers that are configured to enforce authentication. Both basic authentication (username/password) and certificate-based authentication are supported.
New umStorage API for working with storage types
The Universal Messaging server has a highly optimized I/O subsystem for efficient serialization of data to and from disk. The umStorage API (Java only) abstracts this layer from the server so it can be used directly by applications. This simple API allows the user to construct any of the standard Universal Messaging storage types (Mixed, Off Heap, Reliable etc.) and easily serialize/deserialize data.
New ordering policy for rolled back messages on queues
When a transactional queue consumer rolls back a message, it needs to be put back onto the queue. Prior to 9.9 this message would be simply republished to the end of the queue. In 9.9 we have changed the default behavior so that the message is re-added to the front of the queue.
Per-session SSL settings
It is now possible to specify custom SSL settings per nSession rather than per JVM, e.g. key store, trust store.
JMS resource adapter support
As part of the install we now ship a resource adapter for JMS. Users with existing JMS applications that run on an application server such as JBoss can now seamlessly switch to Universal Messaging as a JMS provider.
Support for dynamically updating Google Protocol Buffer schema
Universal Messaging allows you to attach a Google Protocol Buffer schema to a channel/queue but until 9.9, changing the schema would require deleting and recreating the channel. A channel edit that only changes the schema is now supported without recreating the channel.
Usability improvements for shared named objects
It is now possible to monitor the number of messages outstanding for a shared named object. Due to the architecture of shared named objects it was not previously clear how many events were being stored waiting to be consumed. This information is now available in the API and also visible in the Enterprise Manager.