Universal Messaging 10.3 | Installation Guide | Post-Installation Procedures | How to Administer a Remote Universal Messaging Realm
How to Administer a Remote Universal Messaging Realm
A typical development setup involves installing a Universal Messaging Realm in a remote development server as well as the developer's workstation. This guide will help you connect to the remote development Universal Messaging realm for administration purposes.
A Universal Messaging realm by default enforces a security model that allows only the username running the server process to connect to it with full privileges, and that can only be done when connecting from localhost ( Therefore, in order to be able to connect remotely you need to add an ACL entry for the user and the IP address you will connecting from. To do this you need to use the naddrealmacl command line tool on the development server as follows:
Windows Server Steps
1. Open a client command prompt from the Start Menu shortcut.
For related information see the section Running the Sample Applications in the Developer Guide.
2. Type "naddrealmacl <user> <ip> full", where <user> is the OS username that the development workstation will use to connect and <ip> is the ip address of the development workstation. In this instance we specify that full access should be given to this user.
Linux / Solaris Server Steps
1. Open a console window (shell)
2. Type "cd <install dir>/client/<realm_name>/bin", where <install_dir> is your installation path and <realm_name> is the name you assigned to the realm during installation.
3. Type "export RNAME=nsp://localhost:9000", this sets an environment variable called RNAME that all samples and command line tools use in order to know how to connect to the server. In this instance we are using the Universal Messaging Socket Protocol on localhost and port 9000. If you have chosen a different port please adjust accordingly.
4. Type " ./naddrealmacl <user> <ip> full", where <user> is the OS username that the development workstation will use to connect and <ip> is the ip address of the workstation. In this instance we specify that full access should be given to this user.
Development Workstation Steps
1. Run your enterprise manager on the development workstation and click on the Connections menu, selecting Connect To Realm.
2. A dialog will pop up asking you to specify the RNAME to use. Similarly to what we did for the command line tool, we specify "nsp://<server ip>:9000", where <server ip> is the IP address where the server is running and 9000 is the port the server is listening on. Again if you have chosen a different port please adjust accordingly
3. Click ok and you should see your realm appear in the tree under the Realms folder.