Universal Messaging 10.3 | Installation Guide | Post-Installation Procedures | JMS Configuration
JMS Configuration
The Universal Messaging Realm server is designed to automatically support applications that use the provided Universal Messaging Provider for JMS. Such applications however need a valid JNDI context configuration in order to remain vendor neutral.
Universal Messaging features a JNDI service provider that can operate using any of the Universal Messaging transport protocols (nsp, nhp, nsps and nhps) as well as tools that allow configuration of the latter or any JNDI context is required from LDAP to NIS. The Universal Messaging JNDI provider uses a channel called /naming/defaultContext to store JMS references and the implementation class is com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory.
JNDI configuration can be performed in 2 ways. The first is by using a command line application (with full source code provided) called JMSAdmin. For more information about how to use this application please check the appropriate developer guide section. The second is by using the realm JNDI configuration panel in the Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager.
On the client side, you would need to set the standard java.naming.factory.initial key to the aforementioned com.pcbsys.nirvana.nSpace.NirvanaContextFactory and pass the JNDI provider URL of the realm under the nirvana.provider.url key or the standard java.naming.provider.url key. Note that the JNDI API suggests two ways of defining these properties - either by setting them as system properties, or by passing them in a JDNI environment Hashtable argument. When the NirvanaContextFactory is searching for the provider URL, it will by default first check the system properties, and if not found, it will consult the environment Hashtable argument. To reverse the order of lookup, you can set a system property key nirvana.provider.urlpref.sysprops to the value "N".