Syntax: Store Tools
Tool name:
Creates a channel with the specified name on the specified server.
A single permission can be set during channel creation using
optional arguments.
For adding a set of permissions use the client API.
runUMTool CreateChannel -rname=<rname> -channelname=<channelname>
CreateChannel -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which the channel will be connected.
channelname :
Name of the channel to be created.
Optional Parameters:
maxevents :
Capacity of the new store (default 0).
ttl :
Time to Live for the new store (default 0).
type :
Type of the new store (default S).
R - Reliable (stored in memory), with persistent EIDs
P - Persistent (stored on disk)
S - Simple (stored in memory)
T - Transient (no server-based storage)
M - Mixed (allows both memory and persistent events)
O - Off-Heap
G - Paged (uses a memory-mapped file for storage)
publishkeys :
Set of publish keys for the new store (default null).
Multiple pairs - each pair is separated by a ';'
Pairs - each name and depth is separated by a ','
e.g. name,depth;name2,depth2
isclusterwide :
Whether the new store is cluster-wide.
Will only work if the realm is part of a cluster.
usejmsengine :
Whether to use the JMS style fanout engine.
usemergeengine :
Whether to use the merge style fanout engine.
isautodelete :
Whether the store is auto-deleted upon disconnection of its creator.
isdurable :
Whether the store is durable (restores after a server restart).
isautomaintenance :
Whether the store will have automatic maintenance as events are
being removed.
honourcapacity :
Whether the store capacity setting will prevent publishing of any more
data once full.
enablecaching :
Whether the server will cache events in memory or will always refer back
to the file-backed store.
cacheonreload :
Whether the server will cache events in memory for fast replay upon restart.
enablereadbuffering :
Whether reads will be buffered to optimise the I/O access to the
file-based store.
readbuffersize :
The size in bytes of the buffer to use when read buffering (default 10240).
enablemulticast :
Whether multicast is supported on the new store.
synceachwrite :
Whether each write to the store will also call sync on the file system
to ensure all data is written to disk.
syncbatchsize :
Maximum size of batch written to disk on sync.
syncbatchtime :
Time for writing data to disk on sync.
fanoutarchivetarget :
Name of fanout archive target to be configured.
priority :
The default message priority for events on the new store.
stampdictionary :
StampDictionary setting value for the new store.
subject :
The subject in format user@host for which the permission
will be set. For a group permission, this value will be set
as a group name. If this parameter is missing, the other parameters
related to the permission entry are considered invalid.
group :
Whether a group permission entry must be created. Such permissions
can be applied during channel creation only for already existing
security groups.
manage :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to manage ACLs
(default is set to false).
publish :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to publish
events to this channel (default is set to false).
subscribe :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to subscribe to the
channel (default is set to false).
purge :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to purge events
from the channel (default is set to false).
fullprivileges :
Whether the subject or group has full permissions for this channel
(default is set to false).
getlasteid :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to get the last event ID
(default is set to false).
named :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to use named
subscription on the channel (default is set to false).
multifileeventsperspindle :
Number of events that will be stored per individual file for a store
(default is 50000).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Creates a Durable (also known as Named Object) with the specified name and type
on the specified channel.
runUMTool CreateDurable -rname=<rname> -channelname=<channelname>
-durablename=<durablename> -durabletype=<durabletype> [optional_args]
CreateDurable -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-durablename=durable0 -durabletype=N
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to list the details of all the channels within.
channelname :
Name of the channel on which the Durable will be created.
durablename :
Name of the Durable to be created.
durabletype :
Type of the new Durable.
N - Named
P - Priority
SQ - Shared queue
S - Shared
SE - Serial
Optional Parameters:
isclusterwide :
Whether the durable should be created in the entire cluster.
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password
Tool name:
Joins two channels.
runUMTool CreateJoin -rname=<rname> -channelhost=<channelhost>
-channeldest=<channeldest> [optional_args]
CreateJoin -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -rnamedest=nsp://localhost:8090
-channelhost=source -channeldest=destination
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm from which the source channel will be retrieved.
channelhost :
Name of the source channel.
channeldest :
Name of the destination channel.
Optional Parameters:
rnamedest :
URL of the realm from which the destination channel
will be retrieved (default is set to be -rname).
routed :
Set routed parameter (default is set to be false).
hopcount :
Set maximum number of hops (default is set to be 10).
selector :
Set selector string (default is set to be null).
allowpurge :
Set allowPurge parameter when connecting to a channel
(default is set to be true).
createtwoway :
Set createtwoway parameter to create a two way
channel join (default is set to be false)
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Creates a queue with the specified name on the specified server.
A single permission can be set during queue creation using
optional arguments. For adding a set of permissions use the client API.
runUMTool CreateQueue -rname=<rname> -queuename=<queuename> [optional_args]
CreateQueue -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0 -maxevents=10
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which the queue will be connected.
queuename :
Name of the queue to be created.
Optional Parameters:
maxevents :
Capacity of the new store (default 0).
ttl :
Time to Live for the new store (default 0).
type :
Type of the new store (default S).
R - Reliable (stored in memory), with persistent EIDs
P - Persistent (stored on disk)
S - Simple (stored in memory)
T - Transient (no server-based storage)
M - Mixed (allows both memory and persistent events)
O - Off-Heap
G - Paged (uses a memory-mapped file for storage)
isclusterwide :
Whether the new store is cluster-wide.
Will only work if the realm is part of a cluster.
usejmsengine :
Whether to use the JMS style fanout engine.
usemergeengine :
Whether to use the merge style fanout engine.
isautodelete :
Whether the store is auto-deleted upon disconnection of its creator.
isdurable :
Whether the store is durable (restores after a server restart).
isautomaintenance :
Whether the store will have automatic maintenance as
events are being removed.
honourcapacity : Whether the store capacity setting will prevent
publishing of any more data once full.
enablecaching :
Whether the server will cache events in memory
or will always refer back to the file-backed store.
cacheonreload :
Whether the server will cache events in memory for fast replay
upon restart.
enablereadbuffering :
Whether reads will be buffered to optimise the I/O access
to the file-based store.
readbuffersize :
The size in bytes of the buffer to use when read buffering
(default 10240).
enablemulticast :
Whether multicast is supported on the new store.
synceachwrite :
Whether each write to the store will also call sync on the file system
to ensure all data is written to disk.
syncbatchsize :
Maximum size of batch written to disk on sync.
syncbatchtime :
Time for writing data to disk on sync.
fanoutarchivetarget :
Name of fanout archive target to be configured.
priority :
The default message priority for events on the new store.
stampdictionary :
StampDictionary setting value for the new store.
subject :
The subject in format user@host for which the permission
will be set. For a group permission this value will be
set as a group name. If this parameter is missing the other
parameters related to the permission entry are
considered invalid.
group :
Whether a group permission entry must be created.
Such permissions can be applied during channel creation only
for already existing security groups.
manage :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to manage
ACLs (default is set to false).
fullprivileges : Whether the subject or group has full permissions
for this channel (default is set to false).
purge :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to purge
events from the channel (default is set to false).
pop :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to pop events
from the queue (default is set to false).
peek :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to peek events
from this queue (default is set to false).
push :
Whether the subject or group has permissions to push events
in the queue (default is set to false).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Deletes a channel with the specified name on the specified realm.
runUMTool DeleteChannel -rname=<rname> -channelname=<channelname>
DeleteChannel -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which the channel will be connected.
channelname :
Name of the channel to be deleted.
Optional Parameters:
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Deletes a Durable with the specified name on the specified channel.
runUMTool DeleteDurable -rname=<rname> -channelname=<channelname>
-durablename=<durablename> [optional_args]
DeleteDurable -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to list the details of all the channels within.
channelname :
Name of the channel from which the Durable will be deleted.
durablename :
Name of the Durable to be deleted.
Optional Parameters:
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Deletes a join between two channels.
runUMTool DeleteJoin -rname=<rname> -channelhost=<channelhost>
-channeldest=<channeldest> [optional_args]
DeleteJoin -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -rnamedest=nsp://localhost:8090
-channelhost=source -channeldest=destination
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm from which the source channel will be retrieved.
channelhost :
Name of the source channel.
channeldest :
Name of the destination channel.
Optional Parameters:
rnamedest :
URL of the realm from which the destination channel
will be retrieved (default is set to be -rname).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Deletes a queue with the specified name on the specified realm.
runUMTool DeleteQueue -rname=<rname> -queuename=<queuename> [optional_args]
DeleteQueue -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -queuename=queue0
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which the queue is connected.
queuename :
Name of the queue to be deleted.
Optional Parameters:
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool Name:
Exports the protobuf definitions from a store with the specified name on the specified server.
runUMTool ExportProtobufDefinitions -rname=<rname> -storename=<storename>
-dirname=<dirname> [optional_args]
ExportProtobufDefinitions -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -storename=store0
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the session to which the store will be connected.
storename :
Name of the store from which to export the protobuf definitions.
dirname :
Directory in which to save the exported definition files.
If the directory that you entered does not exist, the tool creates the directory.
Optional Parameters:
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Gets the attributes and storage properties of a specified channel
in a specified realm.
runUMTool GetChannelInfo -rname=<rname> -cname=<cname> [optional_args]
GetChannelInfo -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -cname=channel0 -format=plaintext
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which the channel will be connected.
cname :
Name of the channel to return info for.
Optional Parameters:
format :
Format to print output in (plaintext/xml/json).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Gets the attributes of a specific Durable in a specific channel.
runUMTool GetDurableInfo -rname=<rname> -channelname=<channelname>
-durablename=<durablename> [optional_args]
GetDurableInfo -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
-durablename=durable0 -format=plaintext
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to list the details of all the channels within.
channelname :
Name of the channel from where to get the Durable.
durablename :
Name of the Durable to return info for.
Optional Parameters:
format :
Format to print output in (plaintext/xml/json).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Displays the durables details saved in a .nsb file.
runUMTool GetDurablesInfo -nsbfileloc=<nsbfileloc> [optional_args]
GetDurablesInfo -nsbfileloc=C:\filepath
Required arguments:
nsbfileloc :
Absolute path for the nsb files location. This can be a folder
which consists of multiple nsb files or a single nsb file.
Optional Parameters:
textfileexport :
Path to a text file in which the .nsb content will be saved.
Must be an absolute path to a text file or the name of a
text file which will be created in the working directory.
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Gets the current state of durables on a realm, sorted by a given field.
runUMTool GetDurableStatus -rname=<rname> [optional_args]
GetDurableStatus -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -sort=storesize -v=true
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to find durables for.
Optional Parameters:
sort :
Field to sort objects by. May be depth, depthtx, storesize,
lasteid, lastread or lastwrite (default lastread).
v :
Whether the final output includes all fields or only
the one specified. May be true or false (default false).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Display the events details present in the memory file.
runUMTool GetEventsInfo -memfileloc=<memfileloc> -storetype=<storetype>
GetEventsInfo -memfileloc=C:\filename -storetype=mixed
Required arguments:
memfileloc :
Absolute path for the memory files location. This can be a folder
which consists of multiple memory files or a single memory file.
storetype :
Store type of channel/queue. It will be either Mixed or Persistent.
Optional Parameters:
eventfactory :
Option to specify the type of the Event factory, by default
nServerEventFactory is used.
perfmaintenance :
Option to remove the free memory in the memory file (yes or no).
UM server must be down during maintenance.
additionalevtinfo :
Option to get the additional event details (yes or no).
exportfileformat :
Option to specify the file format to export the event data.
File formats supported are txt, xml.
exportfilepath :
Option to specify the absolute file path to export the event data.
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Identifies channels containing Durable with a large number
of outstanding events.
runUMTool IdentifyLargeDurableOutstandingEvents -rname=<rname>
-threshold=<threshold> [optional_args]
IdentifyLargeDurableOutstandingEvents -rname=nsp://localhost:8080
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to list the details of all the channels within.
threshold :
Long value representing the tolerated number of outstanding events.
Optional Parameters:
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password : Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Lists details of the channels on the specified server.
runUMTool ListChannels -rname=<rname> [optional_args]
ListChannels -rname=nsp://localhost:8080
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to list the details of all the channels within.
Optional Parameters:
format :
Format to print output in (plaintext/xml/json).
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Lists joins on a given realm.
runUMTool ListJoins -rname=<rname> [optional_args]
ListJoins -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -v=true
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which we will connect.
Optional Parameters:
v :
Output additional information for each join.
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Monitors the channels and queues in a realm and prints totals.
runUMTool MonitorChannels -rname=<rname> [optional_args]
MonitorChannels -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
MonitorChannels -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=queue1
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to monitor channels and queues for.
Optional Parameters:
channelname :
Name of a specific channel or queue to monitor
format :
Format to print output in (plaintext/xml/json)
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password : Your Universal Messaging server password.
Tool name:
Purges events from a channel with the specified name on the
specified realm.
runUMTool PurgeEvents -rname=<rname> -channelname=<channelname>
PurgeEvents -rname=nsp://localhost:8080 -channelname=channel0
Required arguments:
rname :
URL of the realm to which the channel will be connected.
channelname :
Name of the channel to be created.
Optional Parameters:
starteid :
Starting event ID of range to purge.
endeid :
Ending event ID of range to purge.
selector :
Selector query to filter which events to purge.
purgejoins :
Whether to purge events from joined channels.
username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.
password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.