Universal Messaging 10.1 | Release Notes | What's New In Universal Messaging 9.8
What's New In Universal Messaging 9.8
Universal Messaging 9.8 is the successor of Universal Messaging 9.7.
Universal Messaging 9.8 includes new features, enhancements, and changes as described in the following topics.
Automatic Interest Propagation Using Zones
Universal Messaging now allows the configuration of Zones. Realm servers in the same Zone inform each other about local subscribers to channels/topics, so that other members of the Zone can forward messages to local subscribers when required. This minimizes unnecessary wide area network (WAN) traffic by only forwarding messages when there is a known interested party on the remote Realm server.
Also, users can configure Zones from the Enterprise Manager or by using a newly introduced section of the Admin API. This feature is the equivalent of webMethods Broker Territories
Basic Authentication with Admin API and Enterprise Manager
The Universal Messaging Admin API and Enterprise Manager support the passing of basic authentication credentials when a connection is established. This provides a more secure configuration of the Realm and improved authentication of administrative clients.
Realm XML Export Includes JNDI Assets
XML export of a Realm server now includes the option to export JNDI assets. These can be Connection Factories, Topic Connection Factories, Queue Connection Factories, XA Connection Factories, JNDI Topics and JNDI Queues.
These are used for deployment using Deployer.
New API for Zone Management
The new API com.pcbsys.nirvana.nAdminAPI.nRealmNode provides zone management functionality through the Universal Messaging Administration API, allowing users to create a zone, join a realm to a zone, remove a realm from a zone, and obtain realm zone information:
*public Zone createZone(String zoneName)
*public void joinZone(Zone zone)
*public void leaveZone(Zone zone)
*public Zone getZone()
MQTT 3.1.1 Support
Support for the standardized MQTT protocol version 3.1.1 has been added in addition to the legacy 3.1 version. Additional features now include automatic topic creation, authentication support as well as retained messages and session persistence.
Removal of MQTT Virtual Payload types
MQTT virtual payload type support has now been removed for reasons of compliance to the standard. All MQTT messages are now being handled as JMS bytes messages.