Integration Cloud 6.6.0 | Integrations | Smart Mapping
Smart Mapping
Smart mapping provides you with recommendations while mapping the pipeline data. You can use the available services while creating orchestrations. A Machine Learning (ML) algorithm is applied to provide the suggestions. This algorithm learns from the mappings you create and provides suggestions automatically to map similar fields.
The mapping recommendations are not tenant specific. So the mapping inputs from one tenant maybe used to make recommendations for another tenant.
When you perform mapping, the data collected does not reflect immediately as a recommendation for another user. The information is recorded and is processed by our database at specified intervals.
Smart mapping feature is available only to those tenants who provide their consent to share their mapping information. For all trial tenants, the mapping data is collected by default. The machine learning algorithm benefits from having more data from more number of users. The mapping information collected continues to remain in the database even after a user disables this feature. However, once you disable this feature, the system does not collect any new mapping information.
For paid tenants, only an Admin user who has access profile ID 4, has the permission to enable this feature. For trial tenants and Free Forever Edition, this is always enabled and cannot be changed.
To provide your consent to share the mapping information, do the following:
1. Go to Settings > Preferences.
2. On the Configure Tenant Preferences page, click Edit.
3. Select the check box for Publish Integration Mappings to Recommendations Engine.
4. Click Save.
Basic Flow
You can use the smart mapping feature as follows:
1. Select the integration for which you want to perform smart mapping.
2. Click the Modify Mapping icon.
3. On the Pipeline Data screen, select Recommend Mappings. You will see a list of all the recommended mappings that are color coded based on their likelihood as shown:
The mapping recommendations include the following based on the level of mapping confidence:
* - These have the highest probability.
* - These have medium probability.
* - These have the least probability.
4. You can clear the relevant Mapping Confidence check boxes High, Medium, or Low, depending on the recommendations that you want to view.
5. To hard map any of the recommendations, choose from the following actions:
*When all the mapping recommendations are visible, click to select all the recommended mappings and then click to accept the recommendations.
*Filter the mappings based on the likelihood by selecting the relevant check box and then click , followed by . For example, select High and clear the other two check boxes. When you have only the mappings with the highest confidence level, click and then click .
*Select the individual mapping recommendations that you want to hard map, and then click .
6. To unmap any of the hard maps, select the hard map and then click to unmap. The recommendation disappears. To view this recommendation again, select Recommend Mappings again.