Integration Cloud 6.6.0 | End-to-End Monitoring | Working with End to End Monitoring | Filtering the Business Transactions
Filtering the Business Transactions
You can filter the business transactions within any group to view a custom set of transactions.
Filters that were set during group creation are already applied when you open the group.
*To filter the transactions
1. On the Transactions list page, click as shown in the following example:
2. In the Filter dialog box, you can choose from the following filters:
Filters set during group creation are greyed out and not available for selection.
Select the transaction status. You can select from the following and click Save:
*Success - Lists all the completed business transactions.
*Failed - Lists all the failed transactions.
Type the name of the business transaction and click Save. To add more than one transaction name, click +
Select from the following operators using the drop-down list and provide a valid time in milliseconds:
* - Select this operator to filter the transactions that have an execution time which is lesser than or equal to the value specified here.
* - Select this operator to filter the transactions that have an execution time which is greater than or equal to the value specified here.
*Select this operator to group the transactions that have an execution time which is between the values specified here. For example, if you specify 20 and 30 (ms), then both the values 20 and 30 are also taken into consideration.
Starts with
Filter the transactions on the basis of the application from where the business flow starts. Select the checkbox next to the product. You can select more than one product.
Error message
Filter the transactions based on the error message with which it failed. Type the error message and click Save. For example, server not found. You can filter based on more than one error message by clicking + next to the error message box.
Product(s) involved
Filter the transactions based on the products that are involved with this transaction. Select the checkbox next to the product and click Save. You can select more than one product.
Trace ID
Filter the transactions based on this unique identifier associated with a transaction. Enter the trace ID and click Save. You can filter based on more than one Trace ID by clicking + next to the trace ID box.
3. The applied filters show up on the top of the page as shown in the following example:
You can close a particular filter by selecting the filter and clicking X adjacent to the filter name.
4. After you apply the filters and retrieve the list of transactions, you can further sort the list by clicking the column headings. Sort in ascending or descending order by toggling the column header.