Value | Description |
Name | Provide a name for the rule. Note: You cannot change the rule name once you save the rule. |
Description | Provide a meaningful description for the rule. |
Group | Select the group from the drop-down list. Note: Currently, you can associate a rule only to a single group. However, a group can be associated with multiple rules. |
Value | Description |
KPI | This is the key performance index. Select from the following options: Error count Error rate Average response time |
Time range | The time range on the basis of which this rule should trigger an alert when violated. Select from the following options: In last 30 mins In last 1 hour In last 12 hours In last 24 hours |
Operator | Select the operator on the basis of which this rule should trigger an alert when violated. Select from the following options: Less than (<) - lesser than the value specified in the Value field. Greater than (>) - greater than the value specified in the Value field. Equals to (=) - equal to the value specified in the Value field. Note: Value could be a number, percentage, or time and changes on the basis of the KPI you select. |
Value | This field varies on the basis of your selection in the KPI field. The value field changes on the basis of the KPI you select: For Error count, it is set to Value(number). For Error rate, it is set to Value(%). For Average response time, it is set to Value(ms). |
Value | Description |
Show app notification | Select this option to get on-screen app notifications. |
Send email | Select this option to subscribe for email alerts whenever a group violates a rule. Provide the recipient email address. You can enter more than one email address separated by a comma. |