SAP C4C to Marketo CBO Lead Data Syn
This section describes the recipe for the data sync between SAP Cloud for Customer Lead business object and Marketo Lead business object.
SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C) is a cloud solution to manage customer sales, customer service, and marketing activities efficiently and is one of the key SAP solutions to manage customer relationships.
Marketo provides software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments such as account-based marketing, which includes email, mobile, social, digital ads, web management, and analytics.
Business Use Case
The business purpose of this integration is to extract SAP Cloud for Customer Lead records and upsert those to Marketo as Custom object records.
Custom Fields
Login to Marketo CRM and create one custom business object "mKTO_C4C_Leads" with the fields mentioned in the field mapping table. The custom field "c4CLeadObjectID" should be marked as Dedupe Field, else the delete scenario will not work.
Product Compatibility
The recipe is tested for SAP Cloud for Customer product version 1908.04.0006. Hence the recipe is compatible to run for the tested and older versions of the product.
Lead Sync Flow
This integration "SAPC4CToMarketoCBOLeadDataSync" can be run for initial as well as ongoing sync. As part of initial sync, all the Lead records having AccountID and ContactID present in SAP C4C will be synced to Marketo. On the other hand, as part of the ongoing sync, the updated or newly created Lead records will be synced to Marketo for the provided date range.
Below flow diagram gives representation of creating a CBO Lead in Marketo from a Lead in SAP C4C:
Input Parameters
Sl.No | Parameter | Description |
1 | isInitialSync | Set to true in case of initial sync and to false in case of ongoing sync(true/false). |
2 | syncInterval | The sync interval can be entered either in hours/minutes/seconds or all of them and corresponding pattern and time zone if required. |
3 | logRecordStatusFlag | The log status of each record processed. It can either be true or false. |
Operations Used
Sl.No | Operations Used | Application | Description |
1 | querySAPC4CLeads | SAP C4C | Queries SAP C4C Lead. |
2 | queryC4CContacts | SAP C4C | Used to get the Contact custom field MKTOContactID data to sync. |
3 | upsertMKToCBOLeads | Marketo | Upsert Leads in Marketo as custom object records. |
1. querySAPC4CLeads
Input Filter parameter
Sl.No | Condition | Filter to query records from SAP |
1 | IsInitialSync = True | No filter required. |
2 | IsInitialSync = False | LastChangeDateTime ge datetimeoffset'%fromDateString%' and LastChangeDateTime le datetimeoffset'%toDateString% |
2. queryC4CContacts
Used to get the Contact custom field MKTOContactID data.
3. upsertMKToCBOLeads
Field Mapping
SAP Lead | | MKTO - mKTO_C4C_Leads | |
ID | Standard | c4CLeadID | CustomField |
ObjectID | Standard | c4CLeadObjectID | CustomField |
Name | Standard | name | CustomField |
AccountPartyID | Standard | accountPartyID | CustomField |
ContactID | Standard | contactID | CustomField |
QualificationLevelCode | Standard | qualificationLevelCode | CustomField |
UserStatusCode | Standard | status | CustomField |
ResultReasonCode | Standard | resultReasonCode | CustomField |
OriginTypeCode | Standard | orginTypeCode | CustomField |
PriorityCode | Standard | priorityCode | CustomField |
StartDate | Standard | startDate | CustomField |
EndDate | Standard | endDate | CustomField |
CampaignID | Standard | campaignID | CustomField |
GroupCode | Standard | groupCode | CustomField |
OwnerPartyID | Standard | ownerPartyID | CustomField |
Note | Standard | note | CustomField |
Contact - MKTOContactID | CustomField | mKTOLeadID | CustomField |
LeadBusinessTransactionDocument - ID | Standard | referenceDocumentID | CustomField |
Usage Notes
In order to add new standard or custom fields to the integration, copy the required field and add it to the C4CLeadOutput document while making the upsert API call to Marketo.
In order to change or remove standard or custom fields from the integration, remove the required field mapping, and change or remove the field from C4CLeadOutput document while making the upsert API call to Marketo.
Custom field “c4CLeadObjectID” should be created as Dedupe Field.
If the Lead is associated to just an account, contact will not be synced to Marketo.