Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Built-In Services | Built-In Services | findDocuments
Searches a set of documents for entries matching a set of criteria.
Input Parameters
Document List Set of documents from which the documents meeting the retrieve criteria are to be returned.
Document Criteria on which the documents in the documents parameter are to be matched. Parameters for matchCriteria are:
path: Name of the element in documentList whose value provides the value for the search text. The value for key can be a path expression. For example, "Family/Chidren[0]/ BirthDate" retrieves the birthday of the first child from the input Family document list.
compareValueAs: Optional. Allowed values are string, numeric, and datetime. The default value is string.
datePattern: Optional. Pattern will be considered only if compareValueAs is of type datetime. Default value is MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a.
joins: List of join criteria. Each join criteria consists of:
operator: Allowed values are equals, doesNotEqual, greaterThan, greaterThanEqual, lessThan, lessThanEqual, equalsIgnoreCase, contains, doesNotContain, beginsWith, doesNotBeginWith, endsWith, doesNotEndWith.
value: Optional. Allowed values are string, numeric, and datetime. The default value is string.
joinType: Specifies the way two joins can be linked. Values are “and” or “or”. Default value is “and”.
Output Parameters
result documents
Document List List of documents that match the retrieve criteria.