Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Recipes | SAP C4C to Marketo Master Data Sync
SAP C4C to Marketo Master Data Sync
This section describes the master recipe consisting of SalesPerson, Company, Lead, and Opportunity recipes for the data sync between SAP Cloud for Customer business objects and Marketo business objects respectively.
SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C) is a cloud solution to manage customer sales, customer service, and marketing activities efficiently and is one of the key SAP solutions to manage customer relationships.
Marketo provides software platforms and technologies designed for marketing departments such as account-based marketing, which includes email, mobile, social, digital ads, web management, and analytics.
Business Use Case
The business purpose of this integration is to extract SAP Cloud for Customer Employee, Account, Contact, and Opportunity records and upserts those to Marketo. For every SAP contact, a corresponding Lead / person record is created in Marketo which then will have the respective 1) SAP Employee synched as salesperson 2) Account as Company and 3) Opportunity as Opportunity of the Marketo Lead / person.
Business Object Relationship
One or all of the 4 types of records (Employee, Account, Contact, and Opportunity) needs to be created or updated in the source SAP C4C systems.
In the real world scenarios an explicit relationship is maintained between these records or business objects, that is, an Account will have an Employee associated with it as Owner. Further, the Account will have one more Contact associated with it. In other words, every contact is part of some account (company). Lastly, one or more opportunities for the given contact is created with a distinct role/authority within the respective contact.
Product Compatibility
The recipe is tested for SAP Cloud for Customer product version 1908.04.0006. Hence the recipe is compatible to run for the tested and older versions of the product.
Master Sync Flow
This Master integration "SAPC4CToMarketoMasterDataSync" is a wrapper consisting of four main sub-integrations which were built to sync records of particular business objects only.
The four integrations are as follows:
Input Parameters
Set to true in case of initial sync and to false in case of ongoing sync(true/false).
The sync interval can be entered either in hours/minutes/seconds or all of them and corresponding pattern and time zone if required.
The log status of each record processed. It can either be true or false.
Usage Notes
See the respective usage notes of the four main sub-integrations as a part of the Master Sync integration.