Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Containers | Managing Repositories | Viewing Tag Details
Viewing Tag Details
This screen displays details of all the tags for a repository. You can delete an image tag or add a new service. You can also click the Commands tab to view and copy commands on how to log in, tag images, push images, or pull images.
*To view the image tag details
1. From the Integration Cloud navigation bar, click Containers > Repositories.
2. Select a repository and then click on the repository link. The Image Tags screen appears. A list of all Docker image tags is displayed along with their names.
From the Image Tags screen, select a tag and then click Delete to delete the image tag if it is not used by any service or click Add New Service to create a new service for the image tag. In the New Service window, specify the Service Name, the Volume Name, and the number of Docker Containers to instantiate.
3. From the Image Tags screen, select an image tag and click on the image tag link to view the Image Tag details screen. The Image Tag details screen displays the deployment stage of the image tag including the image tag label details. The image tag label details are as follows:
*Image Type - Mandatory field. Indicates the type of image, for example, webMethods Integration Server or Universal Messaging.
*Description, Build Number, and Version - Optional fields you had defined while creating the image.
*Pushed At - System generated value. Date and time when the Docker image was pushed to the repository.
*Size - System generated value. Indicates the size of the Docker image.
*Exposed Port - Mandatory field. The port you had defined while creating the image. Ensure that the exposed port is the same as defined on your application, that is, on webMethods Integration Server or Universal Messaging.
The Image Tag details screen also displays when the screen was last refreshed, used and available containers for the displayed active stage, and information on all services created for the tag. You can edit, delete, start, stop, or add a new service from the Image Tag details screen. Click on a service link to view the service details screen. See Managing Services for more information.
4. The Commands screen allows you to view and copy the commands on how to log in, tag images, push images, or pull images:
Log in to the system: #docker login -u <username> -p <password> https://<subdomain>.<>/, for example, docker login -u -p test123
Tag an image or repository: #docker tag <imagename>:<tagname> <>/<subdomain>/<stage name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>, for example, #docker tag is_912:withkeystore
Push or upload an image or repository: #docker push <>/<subdomain>/<stage name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>, for example, #docker push
Pull or download an image or repository: docker pull <>/<subdomain>/<stage name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>, for example, #docker pull