Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Manage stages, Deploy assets | Manage Stages | Apply Access Profiles to a Stage
Apply Access Profiles to a Stage
The typical life cycle of an Integration development involves creating Integrations, testing them, and making them production worthy. Each of these activities can be termed as different stages of an Integration development.
Every stage can be assigned a number of Access Profiles and users who are assigned the required Access Profiles can perform activities on that stage. For example, if in an Access Profile, Execute Integrations permission is granted, the user assigned with that Access Profile can execute Integrations on the stages to which the Access Profile is assigned. If the Access Profile needs to perform scheduling activity on the Live stage, the Access Profile needs to have access to that stage as well. The Development stage can be accessed by everyone.
Click Add New Stage to add the next stage. Multiple boundary arrows indicate that more stages can be added.
Click Delete to delete a stage. You cannot delete the Development stage.
When a stage is deleted, everything it contains is erased and cannot be recovered.
*To apply Access Profiles to a stage
1. From the Integration Cloud navigation bar, click Stage in view > Manage. All stages added including the Development stage are displayed. Initially, before any other stages are added, the Development stage is displayed.
2. Click Access Profiles and select the Access Profiles you want to apply to the stage.
By default, the Administrator and Regular User Access Profiles are associated with the Development Stage. If you have created a new Access Profile, ensure that the Access Profile you have created is associated with the Development Stage.
3. Click Apply.
The Access Profiles are applied to the selected active stage.
When an Integration is pulled, all its dependents will also be pulled and copied to that stage.