Integration Cloud 6.1.0 | Applications | Predefined Applications | Database | Driver Management
Driver Management
Driver Management Fields
Certified Databases and JDBC Driver Jars
The Driver Management screen is available only for Database Application. This screen lists all the available drivers uploaded for Database Application. It also gives you an option to upload a custom driver jar for a particular database. This uploaded driver can be used when you create an account. You can add or delete a driver jar from this screen.
Pre-bundled driver jars are provided to connect to the databases like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL. You cannot delete these pre-bundled driver group. The below table shows the driver groups and supported databases.
Driver Group
Supported Databases
Progress® DataDirect®.
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
If you use Progress® DataDirect® driver to create a Non-SSL connection for Microsoft SQL Server database, then set the Other Properties with
For Oracle database, if you are using Progress® DataDirect® driver group to create a connection for Stored Procedure operation, then the Stored Procedure operation cannot fetch the metadata for SYS_CURSOR data type.
*To add a new driver
1. From the Integration Cloud navigation bar, click Projects > <Select a Project> > Applications > Predefined Applications.
2. Select Database and then click Driver Management.
3. From the Driver Management page, click Add Driver.
4. Select the supported Database.
5. Type or select the driver from the Driver Group. Browse the jar in the Select the Driver field for a particular database.
The driver jar gets uploaded for the corresponding database.
You can upload only the certified jars.
The uploaded driver jars can be used across the projects in the tenant.