webMethods Integration Cloud and Cloud Deployment Documentation 6.0.0 | webMethods Integration Cloud | Integrations | Preview Integrations
Preview Integrations
Integration Cloud allows you to view the pipeline and mapping details for a previous version of an orchestrated integration.
To view the pipeline and mapping details in the Development stage, select the Integration from the Integrations page and click Edit. Then click the Show History option available on the tool bar panel to view the version change history for the integration. On the version change history panel, select a previous version of the integration. When you select an Integration version, you will notice that options to configure accounts and operations are not available. You will not be able to make any modifications to the existing pipeline and mapping data.
Click on the block for which you want to preview the pipeline. The Pipeline Data window shows all the mappings that are part of this Integration. The pipeline preview is also available for Transform Pipeline. To view the pipeline data for Transform Pipeline, click .
Note: In the pipeline preview, none of the action buttons are available. Also, you cannot modify the existing pipeline or the mapped data.
To view the pipeline and mapping details for a previous version of an orchestrated integration in any stage other than the Development stage, change the stage, select the integration from the Integrations page, and then click Preview.
The Preview option is also available on the Integration details Overview page if you are in any stage other than the Development stage.

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