--Name | Description |
--solutionName <solutionName> | Filter the alerts that belong to a particular solution. |
--stageName <stageName> | Filter the alerts that belong to a particular stage. Supported values are development, test, live, prelive. |
--alertName <alertName> | Filter the alerts by name . |
--runtime <runtime> | Filter the alerts by Instances / Node name in a solution. |
--severity <severity> | Filter the alerts based on the severity. Default supported values are info, warning, and critical. |
--view <view> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: alert list –-severity critical |
--view <json> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: alert list –-severity critical –-view json Note: JSON output format loads complete information that contains additional field than the table output format. |
--Name | Description |
--view <view> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: asset-repo list-assets DemoSoln IS development |
--Name | Description |
--inputFile <fileName> | Provide the name of the file that contains the input data. solution create --inputFile /home/etc/createSolution.json The file must contain a valid solution name, the name of the webMethods Integration Server and Universal Messaging instances, number of CPU Cores, and Memory characteristics of the hardware to support each service in the solution. Example 1 { "integration": { "landscapeDefinition": { "solutionName": "Demo", "description": "Demo Solution", "solutionType": 1, "productDefinitions": { "IS": [{ "name": "IS", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "2" } }, "version": "10.4", "env": { "packages": ["packages.WmCloudStreams .enabled=true", "packages.WmJDBCAdapter.enabled=true"] } }] } } } } Example 2 { "integration": { "landscapeDefinition": { "solutionName": "Solution2", "description": "sample solution", "solutionType": 2, "productDefinitions": { "IS": [{ "name": "IS", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "2" } }, "version": "10.4", "env": { "packages": ["packages.WmCloudStreams .enabled=true", "packages.WmJDBCAdapter.enabled=true"] } }], "UNIVERSALMESSAGING": [{ "name": "UM", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "2" } }, "version": "10.4" }] } } } } Example 3 { "integration": { "landscapeDefinition": { "solutionName": "Solution3", "description": "Sample Solution", "solutionType": 3, "productDefinitions": { "IS": [{ "name": "IS1", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "2" } }, "version": "10.4", "env": { "packages": ["packages.WmCloudStreams.enabled=true", "packages.WmJDBCAdapter.enabled=true"] } }, { "name": "IS2", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "2" } }, "version": "10.4", "env": { "packages": ["packages.WmCloudStreams.enabled=true", "packages.WmJDBCAdapter.enabled=true"] } }], "UNIVERSALMESSAGING": [{ "name": "UM", "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": "1", "memory": "2" } }, "version": "10.4" }] } } } } |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: solution get DemoSoln development |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: solution delete DemoSoln development |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: solution update-stats DemoSoln development deactivate Allowed stage names are development, test, live, prelive. Allowed action names are activate or deactivate |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: solution get-status DemoSoln development |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: tenant get-license-info |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: tenant get-license-info |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: tenant get-license-info |
--Name | Description |
--view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: user get <ID details> |
--Name | Description |
--propFile <fileName> | Properties file to perform variable substitution. Example: Use the following command for promotion across same instance: runtime promote-configuration DemoSoln IS development Example: Use the following command for cross solution promotion: runtime promote-configuration DemoSoln IS development DemoSoln1 IS1 Promotes the configuration from the solution DemoSoln IS node to DemoSoln1 and IS1 node. |
--Name | Description |
--include <comma separated packages names> | Promotes only specified packages. Example: --include package1,package2,package3 |
--exclude <comma separated packages names> | Promotes all the packages other than the packages specified in the options. Example: --exclude package1,package2,package3 |
--propFile <fileName> | Provide properties file to perform variable substitution. Examples: Use the following command for promotion across same instance: runtime promote-packages DemoSoln IS development -- propFile /home/etc/var_sub.properties Use the following command for cross solution promotion: runtime promote-packages DemoSoln IS development TestSoln IS2 Use the following command to replace a property in a specific composite asset. <propertyName>/<compositeAssetName> Note: The replacement properties should be in the following format: <propertyName>/<compositeAssetName>/<assetName> Example for replacing properties of a package: activatePkgOnInstall/TestODataService=false where TestODataService is the package name whose property activatePkgOnInstall" is assigned with value "false". Example for replacing properties of a service of a package: serverName/TestODataService/JDBC_Connection .ODataService=localhost where JDBC_Connection.ODataService is a service under package TestODataService, whose parameter serverName is assigned with value localhost |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: runtime get-exposed-is-services DemoSoln IS development |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: um list-queues DemoSoln UM development |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: um get-queue DemoSoln UM development dummyQueue |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: um get-queue-details DemoSoln UM development dummyQueue |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: um list-channels DemoSoln UM development |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: um get-channel DemoSoln UM development dummyChannel |
--Name | Description |
-view <viewType> | By default, outputs the response in a table view mode. The CLI supports both table and JSON output format. Example: um get-channel-details DemoSoln UM development dummyChannel |