webMethods Integration Cloud and Cloud Deployment Documentation 5.6.0 | webMethods Integration Cloud | Applications, Accounts, Operations, Listeners, Upgrade, Keys and Certificates | Applications | Predefined Applications | Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Integration Cloud connects to Microsoft Dynamics CRM using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SOAP API. You can manage CRM data and access metadata that defines the specific CRM instance to which you are connecting.
Server URL
Provide the login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. For example, the end point URL is of the format: https://<organization>.api.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc, where <organization> must be replaced with your actual Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization.
Response Timeout
The number of milliseconds Integration Cloud waits for a response before canceling its attempt to connect to the back end. In case the network is slow or the back end processing takes longer than usual, increase the Response Timeout value. It is recommended to specify a value other than 0. If you specify 0, Integration Cloud will wait indefinitely for a response.
Retry Count on Response Failure
The number of times Integration Cloud attempts to connect to the back end to read a response if the initial attempt fails. If an I/O error occurs, it will retry only if you have selected the Retry on Response Failure option.
Retry on Response Failure
Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection.
This is the user account name on the SaaS provider that the Account will use to connect to the SaaS provider. The Account will use this credential to connect to the SaaS provider.
Provide a password for the user name to initiate communication with the SaaS provider.
Authorization Type
This is the type of HTTP authorization scheme to use for the connection. If you select none, no additional authorization scheme will be executed at run time. For example, when you specify a Username and Password, but do not specify a value for the Authorization Type, the user credentials are not inserted into an Authorization header. If you enter the username and password, then set the authorization type as basic. Basic refers to HTTP Basic Authentication. This option can be used if the Application requires or supports HTTP Basic authentication using a username and password.
Use Chunking
Enable this option if you want to send or receive a large binary stream with a chunk size of 8192 bytes. This is applicable only if the back end supports HTTP/1.1 chunking.
Trust store Alias
Select the alias name of the Integration Cloud trust store configuration. The trust store contains trusted certificates used to determine trust for the remote server peer certificates. You can also add a new Truststore from this field.
Hostname verifier
Select a hostname verifier implementation. Guards against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. The default is org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier, which will enable hostname verification. Select org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier to disable hostname verification.
Keystore Alias
Select the alias for the Integration Cloud key store configuration. This is a text identifier for the keystore alias. A keystore file contains the credentials (private key/signed certificate) that a client needs for authentication. You can also add a new Keystore from this field.
Client Key Alias
Alias to the private key in the keystore file specified in the Keystore Alias field. The outbound connections use this key to send client credentials to a remote server. To send the client’s identity to a remote server, you must specify values in both the Keystore Alias and the Client Key Alias fields.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365
Integration Cloud connects to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 using the OData API Version 4.0 and allows you to manage CRM data and access metadata that defines the specific CRM instance to which you are connecting. This Application performs standard CRUD operations on business objects by connecting to the OData service endpoint.
Server URL
Provide the login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. For example, for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365, the end point URL is the OData service endpoint.
Consumer ID
Also referred to as the Client ID, this is a client identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the authorization server.
Consumer Secret
Also referred to as the Client Secret, this is a secret matching to the client identifier.
Refresh Token
A token used by the client to obtain a new access token without involving the resource owner.
Refresh URL
This is the provider specific URL to refresh an Access Token.
Access Token
This token is used for authentication and is issued by the Authorization Server.
Response Timeout
The number of milliseconds Integration Cloud waits for a response before canceling its attempt to connect to the back end. In case the network is slow or the back end processing takes longer than usual, increase the Response Timeout value. It is recommended to specify a value other than 0. If you specify 0, Integration Cloud will wait indefinitely for a response.
Retry Count on Response Failure
The number of times Integration Cloud attempts to connect to the back end to read a response if the initial attempt fails. If an I/O error occurs, it will retry only if you have selected the Retry on Response Failure option.
Retry on Response Failure
Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection.
Use Chunking
Enable this option if you want to send or receive a large binary stream with a chunk size of 8192 bytes. This is applicable only if the back end supports HTTP/1.1 chunking.
Select this option if you want the Application to cache the back end metadata. Caching of the metadata significantly increases the performance of a request sent. By default, the cache will be refreshed every 12 hours. It is recommended to enable the cache to increase the performance.
Trust store Alias
Select the alias name of the Integration Cloud trust store configuration. The trust store contains trusted certificates used to determine trust for the remote server peer certificates. You can also add a new Truststore from this field.
Hostname verifier
Select a hostname verifier implementation. Guards against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. The default is org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier, which will enable hostname verification. Select org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier to disable hostname verification.
Keystore Alias
Select the alias for the Integration Cloud key store configuration. This is a text identifier for the keystore alias. A keystore file contains the credentials (private key/signed certificate) that a client needs for authentication. You can also add a new Keystore from this field.
Client Key Alias
Alias to the private key in the keystore file specified in the Keystore Alias field. The outbound connections use this key to send client credentials to a remote server. To send the client’s identity to a remote server, you must specify values in both the Keystore Alias and the Client Key Alias fields.
Enable SNI
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol by which a client indicates which host name it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process. Enable this option if the SaaS provider offers SNI-based TLS connectivity, and if you want to connect to an SNI enabled SAAS provider to send the host name specified in the Server URL field, as part of the TLS SNI Extension server_name parameter.
SNI Server Name
If you want to explicitly specify a host name to be included as a part of the SNI extension server_name parameter, in case the host name is other than the host name specified in the Server URL field, specify the host name value in the SNI Server Name field.
Adding or Editing Accounts

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