webMethods Integration Cloud and Cloud Deployment Documentation 5.6.0 | webMethods Integration Cloud | Applications, Accounts, Operations, Listeners, Upgrade, Keys and Certificates | Applications | Predefined Applications | Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
AS2 Predefined Operations
Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) is a communication protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for the exchange of business-to-business (B2B) transactions over the Internet securely. The AS2 application uses the HTTP transport protocol along with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). The AS2 application governs the means of connection and exchange of data securely and reliably. Besides the advanced security features, the AS2 application offers the following additional benefits:
*Nonrepudiation of origin and receipt of the message
*Data integrity
The AS2 application provides a medium to exchange business data with partners by configuring an account in Integration Cloud. The application supports the AS2 protocol versions 1.1 and 1.2.
Recipient Endpoint
The endpoint URL of the recipient.
Authorization Type
The type of HTTP authorization scheme to use for the connection. You can choose one of the following options:
*none: No additional authorization scheme will be executed at run time. For example, when you specify a user name and password, but do not specify a value for the authorization type, the user credentials are not inserted into an authorization header.
*basic: When the application requires or supports HTTP basic authentication for user name and password.
The AS2 ID of the sender.
The AS2 ID of the recipient.
Response Timeout
The number of milliseconds Integration Cloud waits for a response before canceling its attempt to connect to the back end. In case the network is slow or the back end processing takes longer than usual, increase the Response Timeout value. It is recommended to specify a value other than 0. If you specify 0, Integration Cloud will wait indefinitely for a response.
Retry Count on Response Failure
The number of times Integration Cloud attempts to connect to the back end to read a response if the initial attempt fails. If an I/O error occurs, it will retry only if you have selected the Retry on Response Failure option.
Retry on Response Failure
Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection.
Trust store Alias
Select the alias name of the Integration Cloud trust store configuration from the list. The trust store contains trusted certificates used to determine trust for the remote server peer certificates. Select Add New Truststore to add a new trust store from this list.
Keystore Alias
Select the alias for the Integration Cloud keystore configuration. This is a text identifier for the keystore alias. A keystore file contains the credentials (private key/signed certificate) that a client needs for authentication. Select Add New Keystore to add a new keystore from this list.
Client Key Alias
Alias to the private key in the keystore file specified in the Keystore Alias field. The outbound connections use this key to send client credentials to a remote server. To send the client’s identity to a remote server, you must specify values in both, Keystore Alias and Client Key Alias fields.
Hostname verifier
Select a hostname verifier implementation for guards against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks from the list. The default is org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier. This enables hostname verification. Select org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier from the list to disable hostname verification.
The name of the user account that the AS2 connection will use to connect to the AS2 provider.
The password for the user name provided in the Username field.
Select this option to compress an outbound AS2 message.
Sign Message
Select this option to sign an outbound AS2 message.
Signing Algorithm
The signing algorithm to use for an outbound AS2 message. The available options are:
Signing Keystore and Key Aliases
The keystore aliases and the key aliases in the keystore to use for signing an outbound AS2 message.
Receive Signed Message
Select this option to receive a signed inbound AS2 message. If you select this option and the incoming AS2 message is not signed, then an Insufficient message security error is encountered and shared with the sender if MDN is requested by the sender.
Signature Verification Certificate
The certificate to use for verifying an inbound signed AS2 message.
Encrypt Message
Select this option to encrypt an outbound AS2 message.
Encryption Algorithm
The encryption algorithm to use for an outbound AS2 message. The available options are:
*RC2 40
*RC2 64
*RC2 128
*AES 128
*AES 192
*AES 256
Encryption Certificate
The certificate to use for encrypting an outbound AS2 message.
Receive Encrypted Message
Select this option to receive an encrypted inbound AS2 message. If you select this option and the incoming AS2 message is not encrypted, then an Insufficient message security error is encountered and shared with the sender if MDN is requested by the sender.
Decryption Keystore and Key Aliases
The keystore aliases the key aliases in the keystore to use for decrypting an inbound AS2 message.
Request MDN
Whether you want the recipient to return an MDN to the sender.
You can select one of the following options:
*None: The recipient of the AS2 message does not return an MDN to the sender.
*Synchronous: The recipient of the AS2 message returns an MDN to the sender through the same HTTP connection used to send the original AS2 message.
*Asynchronous: The recipient of the AS2 message returns an MDN to the sender through a different HTTP connection instead of the one used to send the original AS2 message.
Request Signed MDN
Select this option if you want the recipient to sign an AS2 MDN.
Ensure that you also select an option in the Request MDN field if you want the recipient to sign and return an AS2 MDN.
Asynchronous MDN Endpoint
Type your endpoint URL that accepts an inbound AS2 MDN if you selected the Asynchronous option for Request MDN.
AS2 Version
Select the AS2 protocol version to use from the list.
Enable SNI
Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol by which a client indicates which host name it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process. Enable this option if the SaaS provider offers SNI-based TLS connectivity, and if you want to connect to an SNI enabled SAAS provider to send the host name specified in the Server URL field, as part of the TLS SNI Extension server_name parameter.
SNI Server Name
If you want to explicitly specify a host name to be included as a part of the SNI extension server_name parameter, in case the host name is other than the host name specified in the Server URL field, specify the host name value in the SNI Server Name field.
Adding or Editing Accounts
AS2 Predefined Operations

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