Deploy Assets
This page displays all the assets under the relevant projects that are available in the current stage and the previously selected stage. Click the Change Stage To View link to deploy assets to another stage.
Note: Users who have the
Deploy permission under
> Access Profiles > Administrative Permissions > Functional Controls > Assets can deploy assets.
After you change the current stage to any other stage other than the Development stage, the Deploy page gets populated with the relevant assets selected in the Select Asset Type drop-down list.
You can select an asset that was in the earlier stage (left panel) and click Pull to pull the asset to the current stage (right panel). The assets are categorized under projects. If an asset is pulled and if the associated project is not present in the current stage, the project along with the asset will be available in the current stage.
You can pull an asset only if the asset is consistent in the source stage (left panel), that is, all references of the asset are present in the source stage. The pulled asset can be deleted from the current stage (right panel).
Note: You can access a stage only if your Access Profile is assigned to that stage.