webMethods Integration Cloud and Cloud Deployment Documentation 5.6.0 | webMethods Integration Cloud | Applications, Accounts, Operations, Listeners, Upgrade, Keys and Certificates | Applications | Predefined Applications | Database | Database Application Operations | Advanced Options
Advanced Options
The following options provide additional capabilities for Database operations:
Select the checkbox to suppress the duplicate rows in the query output.
Note: This option is applicable only for Select operation.
Convert all to STRING
Select the checkbox to convert the fields with input or output data type to java.lang.String. The fields which are already added to the table gets automatically converted to a String data type. It does not impact the fields which cannot be converted to String data type.
Note: This option is applicable for Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Batch Insert, and Batch Update operations.
Use SQL Expression (Advanced)
Use the following formats to provide SQL expressions:
*For table columns use tableAlias.columnName.
*For valid database functions use databaseFunction(tableAlias.columnName).
For example, upper(tableAlias.columnName).
Note: This option is applicable for Select, Update, Delete, and Batch Update operations.

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