Apama Capital Markets Foundation 10.7 | Capital Markets Foundation | Analytics | Using the position service framework | Implementing custom position trackers | Actions custom trackers use to manage positions
Actions custom trackers use to manage positions
After the position service manager registers your custom tracker, it returns an instance of PSTrackerManagerInterface. This object provides actions your custom tracker calls to do the following:
*Manually adjust a subscription's position.
*updateAbsolutePosition() – Updates the current position to an absolute value and publishes the position to all subscribers.
*updateRelativePosition() – Updates the current position by a relative value and publishes the position to all subscribers.
*updateAbsolutePositionWithoutPublication() – Updates the current position to an absolute value, but does not publish the position update.
*updateRelativePositionWithoutPublication() – Updates the current position by a relative value, but does not publish the position update.
*Publish a subscription's position to all subscribers: publishPosition().
This action lets your custom position tracker publish position updates as needed. Typically, this action is used with the updateXxxPositionWithoutPublication() action. For example, you might want to incrementatlly adjust a position before informing all subscribers of the new position.
*Query what contexts are being published to: getPublicationContexts().
This action enables a custom tracker to potentially communicate directly with its subscribers. For example, a custom tracker can publish its own custom position object.
*Obtain information about custom tracker instances and subscribed positions.
*getTrackerId() - Returns the unique reference Id for this custom tracker implementation. This is the Id of the PSTrackerInterface that was passed to the position service manager when the custom tracker was registered.
*getConfigDetails() - Returns the configuration details that were used to create a specified instance of the custom position tracker.
*getAllConfigDetails() - Returns all the configuration details for all instances of the custom position tracker that have been created.
*getCurrentPosition() - Returns the current position for a specified instance of the custom position tracker.
*getAllCurrentPositions() - Returns all the current positions for all instances of the custom position tracker.
*deregisterTracker() - Sends a request to the position service manager to remove the custom position tracker from the list of registered position trackers.
See also Sample code for implementing a custom position tracker.