Apama 10.7.2 | Developing Apama Applications | Developing Apama Applications in Java | Overview of Apama JMon Applications | Logging in JMon applications
Logging in JMon applications
The logging facilities in JMon are provided by Log4j, a publicly available logging library for Java. These logging facilities are included in com.apama.util.Logger. See the API Reference for Java (Javadoc).
Full documentation for Log4j 2 can be found at https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/.
It is recommended that you do not use the FATAL or CRIT log levels provided by the Logger class, which are present only for historical reasons. It is better to use ERROR for all error conditions regardless of how fatal they are, and INFO for informational messages. By default, the JMon classes log at WARN level. See Setting correlator and plug-in log files and log levels in a YAML configuration file for information about configuring log levels in the correlator.
To ensure that the correlator can serialize logging behavior, specify that instances of Logger are static.