Apama 10.7.2 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 9.10 | New PySys version in 9.10
New PySys version in 9.10
Apama 9.10 ships a new release of PySys, version 1.1.0. This new release includes many useful fixes and enhancements. For full details, see the PySys release notes.
One significant addition in PySys 1.1 is an optional abortOnError capability that produces clearer and more timely outcome reason messages to explain why a testcase has failed when something goes wrong, such as an injection failure or an expected signal not being found in a file. The abortOnError functionality can be enabled by setting the following property in your project file:
<property name="defaultAbortOnError" value="true"/>
See the pysysproject.xml file in the samples/pysys directory of your Apama installation for examples of all the settings we recommend for all new test projects. Existing projects may wish to continue with the older settings to avoid the need to fix up any failing tests.
Support has been added for generating EPL code coverage reports from PySys test executions. See Using EPL code coverage with PySys tests for more details.
Correlator and IAF components are now shut down cleanly by default at the end of each test execution, which is a prerequisite for getting EPL code coverage information. See also Miscellaneous changes in 9.10 affecting backwards compatibility for information on how to disable this new behavior.
A new antBuild method has been added which can be used to invoke Apache Ant builds with the Apama environment variables defined. This can be used, for example, to execute an exported build.xml file which references the apama-macros.xml file.
Several new methods have been added to the Apama PySys correlator object:
*inputLog argument to startCorrelator
On Linux, PySys Docker extensions are now available in the third_party/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docker directory of your Apama installation.