Apama 10.7.2 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.7.1 | Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.7.1
Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.7.1
Apama 10.7.1 includes the following connectivity plug-ins enhancements:
HTTP client
*The HTTP client's generic JSON chain now allows you to invoke an HTTP service with a payload encoded to either multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded media types using the new predefined FormRequest event definition. See also Handling HTML form encoding using a predefined generic event definition.
HTTP server
*The HTTP server transport now allows concurrent processing using multiple chains for multiple connections. The default is false, but you can turn it on by setting concurrentChains to true in the YAML configuration file. See also Configuring the HTTP server transport. This enhancement was also delivered with Apama 10.5.4.
*The new monitoring metric numChains is now available for the HTTP server transport. It indicates the number of active connections into the HTTP server instance. See also Monitoring status for the HTTP server. This enhancement was also delivered with Apama 10.5.4.
*The HTTP server transport now uses the OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 specification. As of Apama 10.7.1, you should use the OpenAPI 3.0 tooling ( https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-codegen/) to generate client code from the definitions. See also About the HTTP server transport.
Cumulocity IoT
*When the HTTP client's generic JSON bundle has been added to the project configuration, defaults for the sender name and sender address are now retrieved from the tenant options in Cumulocity IoT if they are not specified in the SendSMS event. If the tenant options cannot be retrieved from Cumulocity IoT, you can now configure the defaults by adding CUMULOCITY_SMS_SENDER_NAME and CUMULOCITY_SMS_SENDER_ADDRESS to the .properties configuration file of the Cumulocity IoT transport. See also Configuring the Cumulocity IoT transport.
*A geofence helper utility has been added to the Utilities for Cumulocity EPL bundle. See also About the Cumulocity IoT transport. In addition, the following new events are now available in the com.apama.cumulocity package: GeoFenceContainer and GeoFencePoint. See the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more information on these events.
*The com.apama.cumulocity events Alarm, Event, ManagedObject and Operation now have isCreate() and isUpdate() actions which can be used in event listeners to distinguish between events from Cumulocity IoT which are a result of a creation or an update. See the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more information on these events.
*The com.apama.cumulocity.Error event now has a reqId field which corresponds to the identifier of the request from which the error event occurred. See the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more information.
*The Cumulocity API now supports a new withChannelResponse action for the predefined types (ManagedObject, Alarm, Event, Measurement, MeasurementFragment and Operation). This allows your application to receive a response on the type.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel when one of these object types is created or updated.
It is recommended that you now use the new withChannelResponse action instead of the withResponse action which is now deprecated. See also Removed and deprecated features in 10.7.1.
See the following topics for more information:
* Updating a managed object
* Creating a new alarm
* Creating a new event
* Creating a new measurement
* Creating measurement fragments
* Creating a new operation