Apama 10.7.2 | Release Notes | What's New In Apama 10.5.0 | Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.5.0
Connectivity plug-ins enhancements in 10.5.0
Apama 10.5.0 includes the following connectivity plug-ins enhancements:
MQTT transport
*The MQTT transport has been changed to use a single connection rather than one per channel. This means that there is a single client identifier, which you can now also configure. The new configuration options mqttClientId and cleanSession are now available for this purpose. See also Configuring the connection to MQTT.
HTTP transports
*The HTTP server transport now only accepts requests after an application has called the onApplicationInitialized() method in the correlator. As long as this method is not called, the server returns a 503 Host Not Ready HTTP response. See also HTTP response codes.
*Both the HTTP server and HTTP client transports now support gzip and deflate encoding (decoding is already supported since version 10.3.1):
*For the HTTP server transport, the new configuration option responseCompression is available for the chain on the HTTP server. See also Configuring the HTTP server transport.
*For the HTTP client transport, the new field metadata.http.headers.content-encoding can now be added to the client request. See also Mapping events between EPL and HTTP client requests and Content-encoding example.
Cumulocity IoT transport
*A new version (10.5) of the Cumulocity IoT transport connectivity plug-in is now available. See also Migrating the Cumulocity IoT transports to 10.5.
*The Cumulocity IoT transport now forwards delete notifications for managed objects, measurements and events to Apama using the following EPL events:
See the API Reference for EPL (ApamaDoc) for more information.
*A new request/response pair has been added to the Cumulocity IoT transport event API. This allows you to make arbitrary requests to the Cumulocity API to support request types which are not provided as built-in events in the API. See also Invoking other parts of the Cumulocity IoT REST API.
*A new CumulocityRequestInterface event has been added to the Cumulocity IoT transport which allows you to invoke other microservices within Cumulocity IoT from an EPL application. This can be used from an Apama instance outside of Cumulocity IoT and within Cumulocity IoT, either as an EPL application or a custom microservice. See also Invoking microservices.
*The subscribeToOperations configuration option of the Cumulocity IoT transport is set to false by default when it is not explicitly specified in the YAML configuration file. However, for your convenience, when you add a new Cumulocity Client connectivity bundle in Software AG Designer or by using the apama_project tool, this option is now already set to true in the resulting YAML configuration file.
JSON codec
*The JSON codec now supports any content type that matches the pattern ^application/([^/]*[+])?json$ when the configuration option filterOnContentType is set to true. See also The JSON codec connectivity plug-in.